Global panic over the new iPhone

Global panic over the new iPhone

Apple entered a new era with a focus on artificial intelligence as it officially launched the iPhone 16, which is now available in the company’s stores in almost 60 countries. Its availability caused the well-known frenzy among Apple fans who rushed to get their hands on the new model first.

Queues in Singapore and London
In Singapore, at the flagship Orchard Road store, queues began as early as 4am, with hundreds of customers waiting either to pick up their pre-orders or to purchase in-store. By 9am, around 300 people had lined up to buy the device.

According to Business Insider, many merchants had purchased the maximum of two iPhones per person and were trying to buy more from customers who had purchased additional devices. Many of them had traveled from countries such as Vietnam and Sri Lanka, where Apple has no official stores, or from India, where the company has only two stores.

Similar images were recorded in London, where queues formed outside the two main Apple stores.

The new phones come in white, black, teal, teal and pink and are available in two sizes: 6.1 inches for the iPhone 16 and 6.7 inches for the iPhone 16 Plus.

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