KPK Does Not Yet Know the Person Who Gave Kaesang a Ride

Deputy for Prevention and Monitoring of the Corruption Eradication Committee Pahala Nainggolan (MI/SUSANTO)

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) admitted that it did not yet know the details of the trip of the General Chairman of the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) Kaesang Pangarep by jet to the United States. The number of people in the vehicle is also not yet known.

“Regarding who was there, I don’t know, how many pilots were there, I don’t understand the crew, where was the destination, where did they turn first, it’s not that detailed,” said KPK Deputy for Prevention and Monitoring Pahala Nainggolan at the State Secretariat Office, Jakarta, today.

According to Pahala, Kaesang only explained that he hitched a ride with a friend while traveling abroad. That information is now being investigated. “What he (Kaesang) said hitched a ride, I’ll ask later, hitched a ride with who, we’ll definitely ask,” said Pahala.

Kaesang Pangarep finally spoke up about using a private jet to the United States some time ago. He admitted to riding with his friend when traveling abroad on the plane.

“I also want to clarify my trip to the United States on August 18, which I hitched a ride on, or more popularly known as hitchhiking, hitchhiking on my friend’s plane,” said Kaesang at the KPK Office C1, South Jakarta, Tuesday, September 17, 2024.

Kaesang was reluctant to detail the name of his friend. He emphasized that his presence at the KPK Office was not because he was summoned.

“I came here not because of an invitation, not because of a calling, but my own initiative,” said Kaesang. (Can/P-2)

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