“He sold out the values ​​of resistance to Islamic terrorists” –

Edward Sirignano

“The ANPI has sold out the values ​​of resistance to Islamic terrorists.” This is according to Riccardo Pacifici, vice president of the European Jewish Association, who has been under escort for four months.

Can we say that this is not an easy time for the Jewish world?
“Given that I do not represent the Jewish institutions of the country, to tell the truth, I do not see any big news. I just think that some serial haters, taking advantage of what is happening at an international level, find the courage to demonstrate their hatred.”

Can we talk, however, of a growing phenomenon?
“There are those who feel they have the right to discriminate against Jews through hypocritical criticism of the choices of the Netanyahu government. No one denies that children and civilians are dying in Gaza, but it is certainly not the fault of the Israeli army, but rather of Hamas, which uses them as shields. An army that, in any case, warns before striking. Let’s not forget that we are talking about terrorists who use hospitals and schools as launching bases for missiles, which have the objective of hitting the Israeli civilian population.”

What do you think of activists who take to the streets with Palestinian flags?
“These gentlemen that we find, coincidentally always in the same demonstrations, are scoundrels who are indignant when Palestinians die at the hands of the Israelis, while they turn a blind eye, and perhaps even more so, when the same Palestinians are massacred, for example, by Syrian troops. I wonder why these gentlemen never cried out in scandal when hundreds of Hindus were killed in Bangladesh at the hands of Muslims.
This is hypocrisy and anti-Semitism.”

This form of extremism, fortunately, is a prerogative that reigns only in a few organized groups…
«I agree. At this stage, I repeat, only those who have always harboured a feeling, without ever having found the courage to represent it, are coming out.
We are talking about a few noisy, troublemakers and why not threatening people who are against a free world. The majority of Europeans and Italians, fortunately, are with democracy and with Israel”.

How can he say that?
“There is a silent majority that, in private, shows us affection, sympathy, but also encouragement every day. It tells us that we must resist.”

Very harsh words are addressed to you by the Anpi. Why?
“Let’s say first of all that few of the current ANPI fought in the war of liberation. These gentlemen who attack us, unfortunately, are scoundrels who have never met people like Massimo Rendina who, on more than one occasion, thanked the Jewish brigade for their decisive contribution in the fight for liberation from Nazi-fascism. On the left, more than a few revisionists forget those soldiers who fought on the Gothic Line and are buried in the Piangipane cemetery. They criticize right-wing deniers who would like to erase the Holocaust and then say nothing if someone prevents the flags of those who sacrificed their lives for Italy from being carried in parades.”

Are we facing an attempt to rewrite history?
“We are at the point of abusing the term “partisan”. Someone is selling out the values ​​of the Resistance.”

In light of all this, what is the danger for Italy?
“If we look at the images of October 7, we discover that even the heads of poor Thais were cut off, those who had nothing to do with Israel. This is a battle that Israeli soldiers are fighting for the free world. Let’s not forget that in Rotterdam there are those who killed Westerners in the name of Allah. Let’s not forget what happened at the Bataclan.”

How should our institutions behave in relation to this type of behavior?
“I don’t understand how the person who shouted that Molinari and Parenzo’s children should be hit isn’t in jail. At the same time, however, I can’t help but thank those police forces that allow our children to go to school and synagogue, that allow us to walk around the streets wearing a kippah.”

#sold #values #resistance #Islamic #terrorists #Tempo
2024-09-22 06:32:36



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