Controversial Bollywood actress and politician Kangana Ranaut took a swipe at Bollywood stars for keeping silent on the matter of being slapped by a female security officer, later deleting the post after criticism.
In her Instagram story, Kangana Ranaut said in a statement in the name of Bollywood, “Dear film industry! Seeing your silence on the incident that happened to me at the airport, it seems that you all are celebrating this incident.
Remember the actress said! If tomorrow you are attacked in your country or in any part of the world then you will all see me fighting for your rights because you are not where I am today.
He mentioned the innocent Palestinians in his hateful statement and said that those who are staring at Rafah today and are raising their voice for Rafah, the children of these people will be killed by Palestinians tomorrow.
Taking the hateful attitude of her political party BJP, Kangana Ranaut added that Bollywood stars who raised their voice for Rafah will also get slapped like me, be prepared for the day when you too are attacked by terrorists. Will be.
According to Indian media, Kangana Ranaut deleted this statement from her Instagram story after some time, but the screenshots of her Instagram stories are going viral on social media, where Indians supported the female security officer while embracing the actress. He did very well by slapping Kangana Ranaut.
It should be noted that Kangana Ranaut had reached Chandigarh airport to go to Delhi yesterday, when the female security officer on duty slapped the actress.
So far no Bollywood actor or actress has issued any statement in support of Kangana Ranaut on this incident, which is why Kangana Ranaut is furious with Bollywood.
#Kangana #Ranaut #delete #social #media #post
2024-09-22 05:54:13