Find out how much a person has to walk to lower blood sugar

Find out how much a person has to walk to lower blood sugar

MEXICO CITY, September 21 (EL UNIVERSAL).- Maintaining glucose levels within recommended limits is crucial for those who suffer from diabetes, and exercise is one of the most effective strategies to achieve this. According to the Mayo Clinic, staying active helps muscles use blood glucose as energy, which reduces sugar levels and improves the body’s ability to use insulin.

A Harvard University study found that walking 15 minutes a day can reduce the effects of obesity-related genes by up to 50%, as well as improve mood and decrease stress and cravings. Another study from the University of Granada, published in Obesity, revealed that the timing of exercise is also key. Those who did more than 50% of moderate to vigorous exercise between 6 p.m. and midnight saw significant drops in their glucose levels, especially in people with impaired glucose metabolism.

The benefits of walking after eating

Studies have also shown that walking briskly for 15 minutes after a meal helps lower blood sugar levels. This simple habit can prevent complications such as type 2 diabetes or benefit people who already suffer from the disease, as it helps improve insulin sensitivity and keep blood sugar under control.

Walking after eating helps the body use the glucose present in the blood, which reduces the sugar spikes that normally occur after meals. This process occurs because the muscles, when activated during walking, absorb more glucose from the bloodstream, which lowers sugar levels naturally and without the need for drugs.

The Harvard study recommends walking for 15 minutes after each meal, which adds up to a total of 45 minutes of light physical activity per day. Although this may seem like a short amount of time, the benefits for blood sugar control are surprising. While traditional guidelines suggest doing at least 30 minutes of exercise per day, this research highlights that dividing that time into three short walks after meals may be more effective in controlling glucose levels.

In addition to lowering blood sugar levels, walking after eating can also aid digestion, improve circulation and contribute to weight loss. According to researchers, this simple habit could have a positive impact on preventing diabetes-related complications, such as cardiovascular problems and kidney damage.

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