On September 26, the Prime Minister’s speech at the UN 2024-09-22 04:20:53

Regarding the question submitted by 11 New Democracy MPs about the bad loans, Mr. Marinakis, when called upon to answer, emphasized that some “now discovered how an organized parliamentary group works properly” and that there is no rift in New Democracy.

“MPs have an obligation to ask questions about important issues and ministers have to answer,” he explained.

Among other things, he said that the Prime Minister will go to New York where he will participate in the work of the 79th Session of the UN General Assembly. The Prime Minister will address the General Assembly on Thursday, September 26. It is recalled that Greece assumes the position of a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council in the period 2025-2026.

“The Prime Minister is expected to focus on the big, global geopolitical and technological challenges. During his presence in America, Kyriakos Mitsotakis will have bilateral meetings with heads of state and government, he will address expatriate organizations, while he will also have meetings with investors where he will have the opportunity to present the new landscape he is shaping for the Greek economy, the recovery of the investment grade, as well as the data showing that the Greek economy is the second highest growing economy in the EU”, explained Mr. Marinakis.

Regarding the meeting with Erdogan in New York, Mr. Marinakis emphasized that “the government believes in dialogue, without dialogue implying naivety”.

Pavlos Marinakis’ introductory statement in detail

“A meeting under the Prime Minister was held for the “My Home II” program which is expected to start from January. During the meeting it was decided to implement two further facilities for those who apply to participate.

Firstly, with the aim of expanding the scope of beneficiaries, not only citizens who met the income criteria in 2023, but also those who met them on average over a three-year period, will be eligible. Thus, households that managed to increase their income will not be excluded.

Second, in the new program the pre-approval received by each applicant in the early stages will remain in effect until the available resources are exhausted. In this way, all interested parties will have the maximum possible window of time to finalize the signing of the contract for the purchase of a house. With this new program, amounting to 2 billion euros, we aim to get about 20,000 of our fellow citizens their own home by paying a loan installment lower than a rent.

The first data on the effectiveness of the legislative initiative of the Ministry of Justice to transfer court material to lawyers are particularly satisfactory.

In particular, since the day of implementation of the legislation, approximately 10,000 cases have been transferred from the Judges to the Lawyers for resolution. These concern the establishment of Associations, registrations and cancellations of pre-notifications as well as the issuance of inheritance certificates. At the same time, in the same period, approximately 125,000 affidavits have been issued by the Lawyers.

In this way, material is transferred to the lawyers, which until recently was the sole concern of the courts, but without litigation. With the above interventions, the aim is to relieve the courts of procedures that can be carried out by lawyers with the aim of the immediate and effective completion of legal actions and, by extension, the acceleration of the administration of Justice, for the benefit of the citizens.

The Minister of National Defense Nikos Dendias went to France today for the launching ceremony of the “NEARCHOS” frigate which will take place at the NAVAL facilities in Lorient. Earlier the Minister went to the Naval Dockyard in Lorient, where he was briefed by the Commander on the Belharra Frigate construction programme.

With the launch of “Nearchos”, Greece is implementing yet another important step in the strategic plan for the modernization of its naval forces. The power and advanced systems of the Belharra frigates are expected to dramatically upgrade the level of deterrent power of the Navy and with the inclusion of a total of three ships of this class, the Greek fleet gains comparative advantages in naval operations in order to respond successfully in its upgraded role, for security and stability in the Aegean and the Eastern Mediterranean.

On Friday, September 20, 2024, the financial aid will be paid to farming mothers with three and many children, pensioners or e-EFKA insured persons, former OGA, who declared participation in the Financial Assistance Program of the Rural Home Account managed by OPECA and met the
required conditions.

The aid amounts to 700 euros for mothers with three children and 1000 euros for mothers with many children, while the total amount that will be paid this year amounts to 2 million euros and concerns 2,651 peasant mothers. As the Minister of Social Cohesion and Family Sofia Zaharakis pointed out, the three-child status is recognized in almost 200,000 thousand families, which was a demand of the three-child family for decades, as until now a family lost the rights of the three-child family, when a child reached adulthood or completed his studies.

With the lifelong effect of three children:

– The quota for public employment for those with three children is increased, so that it rises to the same percentage as those with many children from 12% to 16%.
-The benefits that apply to those with many children have already been extended to those with three children and regarding their participation in the housing programs.
For example, in the “Spiti mou” program, the granting of loans to children with three children was at zero interest.

The contract was signed by the political leadership of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport for the “Construction of a water transport pipeline from the reservoir of Xeria Almyrou, Magnesia”.

The pipeline, with a total length of 5,100 meters, will serve 6,400 hectares of arable land, contributing to the rational management of water reserves and improving the yield of crops. The construction of the pipeline, with a budget of 3.5 million euros, is a vital intervention to support the primary sector in Magnesia, highlighting the commitment of the Ministry to the implementation of projects that strengthen local communities and the national economy.

At the same time, with the projects for the reconstruction of Thessaly, projects for its development are also being launched. Projects that contribute to the reconstruction of the area, while improving the quality of life of the residents.

The Prime Minister will go to New York where he will participate in the work of the 79th Session of the UN General Assembly. The Prime Minister will address the General Assembly on Thursday, September 26. It is recalled that Greece assumes the position of a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council in the period 2025-2026.

The Prime Minister is expected to focus on major global geopolitical and technological challenges. During his presence in America, Kyriakos Mitsotakis will have bilateral meetings with heads of state and government, he will address expatriate organizations, while he will also have meetings with investors where he will have the opportunity to present the new landscape he is shaping for the Greek economy the recovery of the investment grade, as well as the data showing that the Greek economy is the second highest growing economy in the EU.

Newer announcements will follow for the full program.

Please for your questions.”

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#September #Prime #Ministers #speech



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