Hospital strengthens breast cancer prevention campaign in Quintana Roo

The Felipe Carrillo Puerto General Hospital has intensified its attention campaign for the prevention of breast cancer in the low response of las women in the municipality to get tested.

Gaspar Pereira, director of the hospital in the municipality, explained that despite having a mammography area in permanent operation, from the beginning of 2024 to date, only 212 women have come to carry out this important study, which is a relatively low number.

She noted that most women who undergo mammography They are between 40 and 69 years oldaccording to established protocols. Those who are outside this range can access the study only with a medical indication. However, the Response remains low compared to the previous yearwhen 646 screenings were performed.

He explained that one of the possible reasons for this low participation is the implementation is because There is no culture of careThey fear the results, therefore, they prefer to live ignoring that they have a disease like this rather than knowing that they have this problem and getting treatment.

He said another factor is because of the “Health Caravans“promoted by the state governor, which allows women carry out these studies in their own communities without incurring travel expensesAlthough these initiatives bring health services closer to rural areas, they have reduced the number of people visiting hospitals.

He explained that the results of mammograms are not processed directly in the hospital, but rather are sent to the Health Jurisdiction for your interpretation. In case anomalies are detectedthe patients are channeled to the Medical Specialties Unit for the Detection and Diagnosis of Breast Cancer (UNEME DEDCAM) in Chetumal for a more detailed diagnosis and timely treatment.

“The General Hospital continues to call on women in the municipality to participate in this prevention campaign, reminding them of the importance of early detection to combat breast cancer, and to stop being afraid, because prevention helps improve the quality of life.”



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