Villain or weirdo: the image of albinism in Western culture

2024-09-22 00:00:00

The “Albino Twins” confront Morpheus in “The Matrix: Reloaded”. internet database

Joseph Solvais, CEU Cardenal Herrera University

he Albinism is a genetic disease A low-prevalence congenital disorder characterized by pronounced visual defects that may also be associated with changes in pigmentation.

When albinism means having an unusual appearance due to skin color, hair and eyes, it is often associated with stigma and risk of social ostracism: In extreme cases, serious life-threatening consequences.

Since 2006, there have been reports that More than 600 attacksMurders, mutilations, kidnappings and other human rights violations against people with albinism occur in 28 countries in sub-Saharan Africa due to the belief that these people or certain parts of their bodies have magical or healing powers, which has even led to the trafficking of their organ.

what literature depicts

Many Western citizens are appalled by this because we believe that these ideas and beliefs cannot possibly have a place among us.

However, when we look closely at the image of albinism constructed and propagated by our popular culture, we see that it is filled with stereotypes and prejudices based on the same ignorance and the same fascination. We associate albinism with evil, magic, extrasensory abilities, and the weird.

In fact, the literature is full of examples. From Herman Melville’s classic novel Moby Dickabout the chase of a killer whale, who is of course an albino, until The Da Vinci CodeThe work of Dan Brown, whose counterpart is Silas, a fanatical and murderous monk who is also an albino and, of course, invisible person (1897), created by HG Wells, follows the adventures of an evil scientist who plans to use his powers of invisibility to establish a reign of terror, although few remember him, is an albino.

A man with extremely white skin, gray hair, and wounds on his face was holding a woman.Paul Bettany stars as albino monk Silas in the film adaptation The Da Vinci Code. internet database

For its part, the film, in addition to bringing many of these literary stories to the big screen, also reflects the same image of albinism. So we find things like cursed townIt tells the story of a group of evil albino children with telepathic powers who spread terror in the town of Midwich. any one albino farmIt follows the harrowing adventures of four college students who face a group of genetically deformed people who live in a cave and are led by a deranged preacher who is apparently an albino.

Albino characters are bad guys….

A list of evil characters with albinism on the big screen – from “Bad Bob” hanging judge Bossid cold mountainthrough the crime twins The Matrix Reloaded——Simply put, it is endless. Sadly, the last film to join this long and disastrous list is a Spanish one Tina and TinaStarring are two mysterious and disturbing albino children who are suspected of being murderers by the end of the plot.

Two children with light skin and hair held kitchen utensils and looked menacing.albino children in horror movies Tina and Tina. FilmAffinity

“Albino villains” have also starred in some of the most successful animated products (especially for children). For example, Rudy comes from ice age 3 and Lord Shen Kung Fu Panda 2.

This trend can also be seen in many TV series─such as “Albinism” Bansheeto the murderer of this episode”blood oath” of StarCraftOA Robert Kirkland batman–. And there are also repetitions in comics and animations: Mr. Zenith, in the series sexton black De Anthony Skene tombstone in comics spidermanand albino clairvoyance In Junie Swan Series Demonata de Darren Shan, a If Farfarelloa sadistic/masochistic member of the assassin organization named Schwartz in the anime white cross.

This prototype is even used in video games. For example, Silas Vorez, main villain quarryis a human werewolf with albinism, known as the “White Wolf”. Likewise, Mark’s clone exist Hitman: Blood Money (2006) are two albino assassins genetically created by the enemy organization the Foundation.

…still weird?

Another archetype that we use to represent albinism in the West is the “stranger” or “strange person”: someone who does not respond to the usual norms and who, for some inexplicable reason, must be excluded, discriminated against, attacked. They are misfit characters or monsters, often the butt of jokes and ridicule.

The first manifestation of this prototype was in God’s little land. This 1958 Hollywood film tells the story of a poor farmer who is convinced that his father has buried a lot of gold somewhere on his farm. After fifteen years of fruitless search, he kidnaps an albino boy because he was told “they have secret powers and can see through the earth.” As expected, no matter how hard the poor albino boy tried, he couldn’t find the gold he wanted.

Another typical case is powderIt tells the story of a young man with albinism whose appearance and superpowers make him fearful and repulsive to his surroundings.

A bald boy with very fair skin was surrounded by others who tried to beat him.The protagonist is powder Suffering verbal abuse from colleagues. FilmAffinity

Of course, all of these characters were constructed without any information about what albinism actually is. Here’s why American actor Dennis Hurley, who has albinism, can do it a fun parody of The Da Vinci Code It was revealed that if Silas was actually a person with low vision, like an albino, he would have had difficulty carrying out his crimes.

Joseph Solvaisteacher, CEU Cardenal Herrera University

This article was originally published in dialogue. read original.

#Villain #weirdo #image #albinism #Western #culture



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