Applications to the Schools of Tourism-Hospitality are ongoing

Those who are 18 years of age or older and have at least a High School Diploma have the right to apply.

A good knowledge of a foreign language (English, French or German) is required for the specialty “Hotel Receptionist”.

Applications are submitted through, at the address:

Specifically, the path is: → Education → Enrollment in a school → Enrollment in an Experimental Vocational School of DYPA.

PEPAS operates in seven cities (Athens, Thessaloniki, Corfu, Crete, Mytilini, Patras and Rhodes) and applies the dual education system, which combines theoretical and laboratory professional education at the School with the workplace learning program in real working conditions (on-the-job-training). The aim is for the trainee to acquire the necessary theoretical knowledge, but also the professional experience in the labor market.

The theoretical part is implemented in PEPAS from November to April, while the apprenticeship in companies takes place from May to October with 8 hours a day, five days a week.

The pay of the students, during the apprenticeship in the companies, amounts to 176.10 euros per week.

For the operation of PEPAS, DYPA collaborates with the Hellenic-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Institute of the Association of Greek Tourism Enterprises (INSETE), which have extensive experience in the field of professional education and tourism. The collaboration guarantees placement in apprenticeships in distinguished businesses in the tourism sector (4* and 5* hotels), but also strengthens the prospect of professional rehabilitation, after completing the studies.

The specialties in the seven PEPAS for the school year 2024-2025 are as follows:

PEPAS Kalamaki-Heraklion Crete-Rhodes: Culinary Artisan, Hotel Customer Reception Clerk and Food Service Artisan.

PEPAS of Mytilene-Patras: Culinary Artisan and Catering Artisan.

PEPAS Thessaloniki: Hotel Receptionist and Catering Technician.

PEPAS Corfu: Hotel Receptionist.

As stated in the relevant announcement, the students of PEPAS:

– carry out a workplace learning program with pay and insurance,

– they study in modern and fully equipped laboratories and are provided with the necessary books and aids,

– are trained by experienced and well-qualified training staff,

– they receive a housing allowance, which was doubled to 240 euros per month, as well as a food allowance, which was increased to 9 euros per day, with expanded income criteria,

– they are entitled to study leave, up to 30 days, with wages and postponement of conscription.

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#Applications #Schools #TourismHospitality #ongoing



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