He was killed driving the same machine that his son “ran away” with

He was killed driving the same machine that his son “ran away” with

Sadness has spread after the news of the sudden death of Dionysis Proios. The former Masterchef player “passed away” at the age of 58 after a car accident he had yesterday (20.09.2024) with his motorcycle.

Friends, colleagues and former team-mates of the 58-year-old have expressed their grief following the news of the beloved chef and artist’s death. The former Masterchef player was killed in a car crash just like his son was killed at the age of 20, driving the same car.

Lakis Gavalas and Mathildi Maggira are two of the many names of Greek showbiz who had friendly relations with Dionysis Proios. At the same time, many cooks who competed with the 58-year-old in Masterchef 4 uploaded photos on social media saying “good trip” to their friend Dionysis.

“He was killed with the same machine that killed his son. I will remember him as a very creative person who will be missed”, said Lakis Gavalas, according to Tlife.gr.

And he added: “An artist I liked very much, we had a relationship for many years, we exhibited his works together. A child with a deep philosophy in the art he made but also a bit of a bum. He liked the merry life and collecting experiences from all over the world!

He was Greek-Argentine, his family is in Argentina, he didn’t have anyone here,” he adds about Dionysis Proios. “He was my close friend, 20 days ago we were together in Mykonos, we did an exhibition together, it was great. He always wanted to go find his son who had been killed, he always talked about him, I think he would be “happy” to go find him like this”.

At the same time, Ilias Chiazoli and Konstantinos Dalianis are two of the players who posted in their stories on Instagram regarding the sudden death of the 58-year-old.

He was killed driving the same machine that his son “ran away” with
Mathildi Magira had previously talked about her friendship with Dionysis Proios and also about the suitcase he designed for her for one of her plays. “At the moment I’m doing According to Mathilde, which is a show that’s all in a suitcase. A very special suitcase, a work of art that an amazing painter, Dionysis Proios, has made for me,” she had said.

“He’s a man… God’s grace, he had this tragic event in his life and I believe he never gets over it. A parent who loses his child, I don’t think he gets over it,” Mathildi Maggira had said regarding the death of his 58-year-old son, Michalis.

“Well done to Dionysis who continues life strong because he is a man who has always been alive even before the child. When I say alive I mean a person with a soul. Devotee. He has his aesthetic and it follows beyond the paintings everything. A Dionysian aesthetic”.

What Dionysius declared about his son, Michalis

Speaking about the “loss” of his child who was also killed in a traffic accident with the same machine that the 58-year-old was driving until yesterday, he said: “The holidays are not one of my… happy things. My family is broken, I feel alone, I feel like something is always missing.”

“My son had started as an assistant chef and then took over on his own. On the day my son was killed, he greeted everyone and told them to “take care of my father,” he added.

And he continued: “He kissed me 2-3 times, he told me “you are the best there is, father, remember this”. The last image I had of Michalis was as if he was… greeting us.”

“Since the day my son was killed, every Christmas has been a mess” Dionysis Proios had said with emotion.

He had revealed that he had considered ending his life shortly after his son’s death: “The only thing that stopped me from killing myself was that there is one chance for our spirits to meet again, and by committing suicide I might lose that one.” the opportunity. It was the first thing I got out of my head, the magic was to recover, to laugh again. I woke up with three dreams that my son made me and saw, I understood that it is forbidden to be upset” he had characteristically said.

Tο Masterchef

Dionysis Proios participated in the 4th cycle of the cooking competition “Masterchef” in 2020 and managed to finish 7th.

“I’m going to make you my son’s favorite food, lasagna with spinach and gravy. My son ‘passed away’ at the age of 20 in a motorbike accident four years ago, like many children who don’t wear a helmet. When I cook I always think of him because he was also a chef, so we cooked a lot together” he had said then, moving the judges.

Dionysis Proios had won the love of his teammates, the judges and the viewers watching Masterchef 4. He had a dynamic character, a special style and an incredible sense of humor.

The news of his tragic death came just a few months after the also sudden death of his former teammate Demi Georgiou, who died of a bacterial infection.

#killed #driving #machine #son #ran



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