Directorate General of Customs and Excise Will Strictly Monitor Sea Sand Exports

Aerial photo of two suction machines pulling sea sand in the waters of the auction in Wakeakea Village, Buton Tengah, Southeast Sulawesi, Tuesday (4/30/2024). (Antara)

Director General of Customs and Excise of the Ministry of Finance Askolani ensured that he would participate in supervising sea sand exports. The supervision will be carried out together with a joint team that will be formed by the government.

“If they (the joint team) later say okay, this is sediment, then it can go, be exported. If it is then dominated by silica sand, it cannot be exported,” he told reporters at his office, Jakarta, Friday (20/9).

The policy requiring the export of sea sand is stated in Government Regulation Number 26 of 2023 concerning Management of Sedimentation Products at Sea which is strengthened by two Regulations of the Minister of Trade.

Askolani explained that the sea sand export mechanism involves cross-ministerial. Therefore, the Directorate General of Customs and Excise will follow the provisions of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KPP) and the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag).

The provisions for exporting sea sand are also said to not necessarily apply to all types of sea sand because there are certain specifications. These provisions are stated in Permendag 21/2024 which refers to the Decree of the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries 47/2024 concerning Specifications for Sedimented Sand in the Sea for Export.

“In the regulation, it is not sea sand, but sediment. That is then of course with the regulations that have been made, the implementation is in accordance with the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries,” said Askolani.

Therefore, the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries will first examine and verify an area containing sea sand, whether the sand is sediment that is suitable for export or not.

“For example, at one point it will be seen whether it is suitable to be exported, the sediment will be verified by many ministry units, KKP, Ministry of Trade, to ensure that the sediment taken does not violate the provisions regarding its specifications, because if later in the sediment silica sand is dominant, it cannot be exported. So, there is a process that will be passed according to the provisions,” explained Askolani. (J-3)

#Directorate #General #Customs #Excise #Strictly #Monitor #Sea #Sand #Exports



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