Mental health and well-being: Challenges and solutions for Paraguayan youth in current times – National

Mental health and well-being: Challenges and solutions for Paraguayan youth in current times – National

Young Paraguayans: Struggling for True Well-Being Amidst Challenges

Although youth is generally considered to be the happiest stage of life, young Paraguayans are far from developing true well-being. According to clinical psychologist Ramón Servín, there are several factors conditioning the lives of young people in Paraguay, including access to basic health services, education, nutrition, and a less-than-ideal family environment. These issues prevent them from achieving full happiness.

The most worrying aspect is that the resolution of these deficiencies is not in the hands of those affected but rather in the hands of an absent state that abandons the enormous needs of youth to their fate.

Read: Youth Day is celebrated in Choré with the delivery of seedlings and donation of books to young people.

The Harsh Reality for Young Paraguayans

The clash with this precarious reality begins at a very early age. Once young Paraguayans finish school, they are often met with a disheartening job market. Servín points out that when they finally locate work, it tends to be precarious with educational opportunities that prioritize the profit of employers over the welfare of young individuals.

A Society That Does Not Protect

Young people venture out to face life in a society that provides little protection, leading to gradual deterioration of their mental health. The impact of technological consumption and the exposure to idealized imagery perpetuated by social networks like Instagram and TikTok contributes to increased feelings of inadequacy among these youth.

  • Heightened anxiety over not meeting societal expectations.
  • Prevalence of depression driven by negative self-comparisons.
  • Increased screen time correlating with heightened mental health issues.

Young people with a more developed intellectual capacity may manage to avoid discouragement in the face of these discrepancies. Still, vulnerable minds, particularly those less equipped to process such experiences, are severely affected by excessive time spent in front of screens.

More info: Young hero saves two people from a fire in Asunción.

Social Media: An Escape Route

For many young Paraguayans, social media serves as an evasion tool, a way to distract from a hostile environment and to temporarily escape stressors like anxiety or hunger. However, while these digital spaces offer short-lived relief, they also introduce toxic comparisons and false narratives.

Strategies for Emotional Management

Servin emphasizes the need for young people to build emotional management skills and navigate their thoughts effectively. Key factors that contribute to enhancing their coping abilities include:

  • Access to economic resources.
  • Cultural capital and knowledge to facilitate better life choices.
  • A supportive community network of family and friends.

Rejecting Hegemonic Standards

One crucial piece of advice is to resist the allure of “hegemonic” beauty and success portrayals commonly seen on social networks. These ideals are often violent and exclusive, particularly affecting those already vulnerable. Young individuals who struggle with self-esteem or critical thinking may find themselves particularly susceptible to psychological issues stemming from these unrealistic portrayals.

Underlying Social Conditions

Despite having a glimmer of hope for improving their quality of life, it is essential to acknowledge that many solutions are beyond the young people’s reach. Underlying social conditions such as:

  • The family environment they are born into.
  • Social position and economic circumstances.
  • The broader political and economic landscape of Paraguay.

…play a significant role in shaping their life conditions and outcomes.

Predisposition to Personality Disorders

Clinical observations indicate that young individuals may develop various personality disorders due to the pressure of their environment and personal circumstances. Factors influencing the development of these disorders include:

  • Their socio-economic status and family background.
  • Existing mental health challenges such as anxiety and depression.
  • Interpersonal relationships and self-perception.

While personality traits may not inherently become disorders, they can manifest significant issues in different areas of life. Therapy plays a revitalizing role, allowing individuals to navigate through and reduce negative symptoms, thereby enabling them to uncover and strengthen more positive personality traits.

Case Studies: Real-Life Impacts

Numerous young Paraguayans experience the challenges discussed, leading to stories of resilience and perseverance. Here are some brief case studies:

Case Issue Resolution
Juan Unemployment after graduation Started a small business using online platforms
Maria Low self-esteem Joined a youth empowerment group
Carlos Anxiety and depression Regular therapy sessions improved his mental health

Practical Tips for Young Paraguayans

To enhance mental health and well-being, young Paraguayans can consider the following strategies:

  • Engage actively in community-building activities.
  • Limit exposure to negative social media influences.
  • Seek professional help when experiencing emotional distress.
  • Focus on personal strengths and talents to build self-esteem.
  • Develop healthy coping mechanisms for dealing with stress.



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