Full stack: Postgraduate course for developers

2024-09-21 19:00:34

The full stack developer career: what is it and what does this professional do?

The constant updates introduced in corporate sectors are the main reason for the emergence of new activities and new professionals who routinely need to adapt to new technological segments, such as that of Full Stack Developer. Given the responsibility, this professional role has become one of the main training courses in the technology area and one of the most promising. Although it is bold and complex in terms of studies, since it involves a generalist specialist, this training is also a sure-fire career decision with great financial returns.

In this scenario, the full stack developer performs functions at various stages of application development with the aim of providing support for all levels of project delivery, whether it is an application, system or digital platform. In addition, their skills and experience meet the needs of applications from start to finish, from the database to the user interface.

New postgraduate program for full stack developers at Unifacisa offers specialization with the best resources in the Northeast

Since this professional has the ability to discern all layers of an application and, consequently, promote more efficient delivery of demands with fewer errors, their hiring in large companies is becoming an increasingly popular trend. Whether in large corporations or startups, every company that delivers a digital product needs the work of a full stack developer. The market for this area has shown itself to be increasingly rich, whether in Brazil or anywhere else in the world.

To be able to perform the functions of a full stack developer, it is necessary, first of all, to really like the world of programming and to specialize in the area. At Unifacisa, the postgraduate program offers a specialization in Full Stack Development aimed at all those who seek the necessary knowledge to master the IT sector. In addition, the specialization has a workload of 400 hours spread over 10 months of supervised practical exercise.

The course is divided into three modules, which are:

1 – Fundamentals of Back-end Development:

• Development of Information Systems with Java;
• Development and Testing of APIs with NodeJS;
• Development and Testing of APIs with Spring Boot;

2 – Front-end Design and Development:

• Interface Design with UI/UX;
• Front-End Development with React;
• Front-End Development with Angular;

3 – Advanced Technologies and Cloud Computing:

• Cloud Technologies and Artificial Intelligence;
• Cloud Systems Architecture;
• Cross-Platform Development with Flutter;
• Microservices and Serverless Architecture with Spring Cloud and AWS.

Pedagogical model

The pedagogical model that guides Unifacisa courses is exclusive and combines theory and practice through a dynamic and interactive methodology.

Through a multidisciplinary faculty, the learning journey permeates the physical, digital and social environment, which allows students to have transformative experiences throughout the learning process.

Learn more about Unifacisa’s postgraduate course in Full Stack Development

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