What is the church holiday today, September 21, 2024

We tell you which church holiday is celebrated on September 21 according to the new and old style, the bans of the day, whose name day it is.

Church holiday today, September 21 / depositphotos.com

On September 21, according to the new church calendar, the 70-year-old apostle Kodrat, as well as bishop Hypatius and presbyter Andrii are remembered. The people nicknamed the day Kindrat and Ipat. We talk about the traditions and omens of September 21 and which holiday is celebrated in the church in the old style today.

September 21, 2024 – which church holiday is today according to the new and old church calendar

In 2023, the Orthodox Church of Ukraine switched to a new calendar style, and all fixed-date Orthodox holidays moved 13 days earlier. But some believers continue to adhere to the old calendar – the preservation of the old style remains the right of religious communities and monasteries.

What a church holiday in Ukraine today according to the new style

September 21 according to the new church calendar (October 4 according to the old) is the day of commemoration of the 70-year-old apostle Kodrates of Athens, bishop Hypatius and presbyter Andrii.

Codratus was born in the 1st century in Greece and was a disciple of the first twelve apostles. They consecrated him to the rank of bishop of Athens, and Jesus Christ chose Kodratus as an apostle from the 70s. In 126, the apostle Codratus wrote an apology in defense of Christianity, which he presented to Emperor Hadrian. The emperor read it and was so impressed that he issued a decree that no one could be convicted without evidence. Then Codratus preached in Athens and Magnesia, he managed to convert many Hellenes to Christianity, for which he almost died. They stoned him, but he survived. Then he was thrown into prison, where Codratus of Athens died.


The bishop of Ephesus Hypatius and presbyter Andrew lived in the 8th century. They studied in the same monastery, after studying, Hypatius became a monk, and Andrew became a priest.

It was during the reign of Emperor Leo the Isaurian, when icon worshipers were persecuted. Hypatius and Andrew came to their defense, and then the emperor summoned them to a dispute. The bishop and presbyter were persuasive, and in order for them to renounce their convictions, they were thrown into prison. This did not break the will of the saints, and they were executed.

Church holiday on September 21 in the old style

Earlier, UNIAN told which church holiday is celebrated today according to the old calendar style – what can and cannot be done on the Christmas of the Holy Mother of God, the day of memory of the icon of Sophia – the wisdom of God (Kyiv) and the Pochaiv icon of the Mother of God.

What do the omens say on September 21

September 21 – today’s omens / Pixabay

According to the signs of the day, they are guided by what the weather, winter and harvest of the next year will be like:

  • red dawn or sunset – to rainy weather and wind;
  • frost on the grass in the morning – there will be bad weather;
  • the weather is clear – autumn will be warm;
  • a lot of cobwebs on the trees – to the heat.
  • the leaves fell early – winter will be early;
  • a lot of cones – next year there will be a spring crop, peas and cucumbers.

Among the people, September 21 is the holiday of Kindrat and Ipat. According to the customs of this day, you should work well, in particular, in the garden and the homestead.

What not to do on September 21

On September 21, as on any other day, the Church does not approve of quarrels, slander, gossip, opposes slander and condemnation, as well as envy, greed, revenge and despair. Do not refuse those who ask for help.

Folk omens of the day strictly forbid laziness – wealth will leave the house. You shouldn’t make big purchases – everything purchased on Kindrat will be short-lived, and you can’t lend money and get into debt yourself: it will be especially difficult to return the money. Also, according to folk signs, you should not wear someone else’s shoes on this day – you can “take on” someone else’s diseases and problems.

What can be done on September 21

In prayers to the saints on this day, they ask for healing from diseases, health and strength. As already mentioned, you should work well on Kindrat, for example, clean the house and the yard – it is believed that all the work will definitely be rewarded and will turn into prosperity and well-being.

September 21 – today is the name day

Name days today according to the church calendar are celebrated by Andriy, Valentin, Ivan, Vasyl, Oleksiy, Petro, Volodymyr.

According to the old style, the name day is celebrated by George and Ivan.

Previously, we published the church calendar for September 2024 with dates in the old and new style.

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