PDIP Kaesang’s Clarification to KPK is Just a Gimmick

PSI General Chairman Kaesang Pangarep (center) accompanied by PKS President Ahmad Syaikhu (fourth right) answers journalists’ questions (ANTARA PHOTO/Bayu Pratama S)

CLARIFICATION by the General Chairman of the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) Kaesang Pangarep to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is considered just a gimmick. Kaesang clarified about the use of a private jet when traveling to the United States (US).

“Yes, in my opinion, it’s just a gimmick,” said the Chairman of the Central Leadership Council (DPP) of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) for Executive Election Victory, Deddy Yevri Hanteru Sitorus, when contacted, Wednesday, September 18, 2024.

The claim that Kaesang was just a hitchhiker on the trip must also be proven. Especially the manifest data of passengers who used the plane.

“Show me your ability to prove that it really exists for a certain date, stamped by our immigration. Show me the photo. So don’t just make excuses,” said Deddy.

He asked not to use the KPK as a tool to clean up the image. The Anti-Corruption Agency was also asked to be open to prove to the public that Kaesang was just a hitchhiker on the trip.

“It’s not wrong for people to hitchhike, right? But if it’s just a gimmick, then the KPK is being used to clean someone’s image and that’s not good,” explained Deddy.

Also read: Kaesang’s Spokesperson Reluctant to Reveal Identity of Private Jet Provider

Previously, Kaesang visited the KPK on Tuesday, September 17, 2024. The arrival, which was claimed to be on his own initiative, was to clarify the matter of using a private jet with his wife, Erina Gudono.

The two of them used a private jet when traveling to the US, Sunday, August 18, 2024. Kaesang admitted that he was just hitching a ride.

“Earlier I also clarified about my trip on August 18 to the United States, which was a hitchhiker or popularly known as hitchhiking, hitchhiking on my friend’s plane,” said Kaesang. (M-4)

#PDIP #Kaesangs #Clarification #KPK #Gimmick



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