Craving for chocolate: Popular fruit stops cravings for sweets immediately

A bar of chocolate is often very tempting. But nutrition experts are sure that you can outsmart yourself and offer healthier alternatives.

Instead of chocolate: This fruit stops cravings

Strawberries, for example: They also have lots of vitamins and minerals. 100 grams of the red fruit contain more vitamin C than lemons or oranges.

They also contain folic acid, vitamin B1 and vitamin K. They also contain minerals such as zinc, copper and manganese. Another plus point: despite their sweet taste, the red vitamin bombs are not only low in sugar, but also low in energy, with around 32 kilocalories per 100 grams.

“Strawberries also contain secondary plant substances that are good for the body,” says Susanne Umbach from the Rhineland-Palatinate Consumer Advice Center. Laboratory tests have shown that these secondary plant substances kill pathogens and have an anti-inflammatory effect. According to the Federal Center for Nutrition, the substances found in strawberries help prevent cardiovascular diseases and certain types of cancer.

Blueberries are also low in sugar and, according to the Federal Center for Nutrition, contain comparatively high levels of vitamin E and manganese. Their high anthocyanin content means that the fruit has a cell-protecting and stress-reducing effect in the human organism. Gooseberries are good for hair and nails, and not just because of their high silicon content. And currants, like strawberries, are top sources of vitamin C. “This is especially true for black currants,” says nutritionist Umbach.

Watermelons have just 37 calories per 100 grams, while the same amount of cantaloupes has 54 calories. But it’s not just the relatively low calorie count that makes eating melons so attractive: cantaloupes have a significant vitamin C content, among other things, and watermelons contain secondary plant substances. And above all: “Melons are ideal thirst quenchers,” says Riedl. Because they contain on average up to 95 percent water.

Sour cherries are also an ideal snack between meals. They contain minerals such as E

There should not be too much of some types of fruit

And then there are fruits that you can and should eat, but in moderation – because they contain a lot of sugar. “These include bananas and grapes, for example,” says Umbach. Too much fructose can lead to gastrointestinal problems. “The liver is also put under too much strain,” explains nutritionist Matthias Riedl. The organ that produces fats from fructose is in danger of becoming fatty. And a fatty liver increases the risk of developing diabetes mellitus.

Apple pieces can also be a substitute for constant chocolate consumption. Ideally, the healthy snack consists of a mixture of fruit and vegetable pieces. Here too, there are many options depending on the season. For example, radishes or pointed peppers.

Don’t give up chocolate completely

But there’s no need to worry: giving up chocolate completely isn’t good either. “Chocolate is also food for the soul, it’s a blessing to enjoy it – preferably in small amounts,” says nutritionist Susanne Umbach.

And for anyone who wants to hold back a little, she has a simple but effective tip: When shopping, make sure not to buy too much. “If you don’t have it in the house, you can’t eat it.”



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