Unitary Platform demanded the cessation of persecution against refugees in the Argentine Embassy

The Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD) demanded on Friday the end of the persecution against opposition members who have been seeking refuge for the past six months in the official residence of the Argentine Embassy in Caracas.

On social media, the campaign team of former PUD presidential candidate Edmundo González Urrutia rejected the notion that they are being “criminalized for their tireless fight for freedom” in the Caribbean nation.

“We demand an end to the persecution and freedom for all,” stated the Command with Venezuela, which shared images featuring the faces of the opposition members who have been in refuge since March in the Argentine residence, under Brazil’s protection after the expulsion of the southern country’s diplomatic mission, an authorization that, however, Venezuela revoked from the South American giant on September 7.

The individuals seeking asylum are Pedro Urruchurtu, Magalli Meda, Claudia Macero, Humberto Villalobos—all members of the Vente Venezuela (VV) party, led by María Corina Machado—former deputy Omar González, and Fernando Martínez Mottola, advisor to the PUD. They sought refuge after being accused by the Prosecutor’s Office of conspiracy and treason, among other charges.

On Monday, Urruchurtu urged the international community to support Argentina and Brazil’s efforts to obtain safe-conduct passes that would allow them to leave Venezuela, while denouncing a “permanent siege and harassment” against the residence where they are staying.

Call from the Democratic Unitary Platform

On September 10, the Argentine government acknowledged that it is “moving forward” to ensure that the six opponents “do not encounter any problems at all,” following the decision by Nicolás Maduro’s government to revoke Brazil’s authorization to protect the diplomatic headquarters.

On Friday, VV also demanded the release of its national leaders Henry Alviarez and Dignora Hernández, who have been detained for six months, accused of alleged involvement in “violent actions” related to the July 28 presidential elections.

Venezuela is currently facing a political crisis following these elections, in which President Maduro was re-elected for a third consecutive term, according to the National Electoral Council (CNE). Meanwhile, the PUD insists on the “victory” of González Urrutia, who has been in exile in Spain since September 8.

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The Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD) demanded on Friday the cessation of the persecution against opposition members who have been sheltering for six months in the official residence of the Argentine Embassy in Caracas. This ongoing situation highlights the escalating political turmoil in Venezuela, where dissent is increasingly being silenced.

On social media, the campaign command of former presidential candidate Edmundo González Urrutia condemned what they perceive as a “criminalization” of their fight for freedom. The PUD has branded this as a desperate effort by the Venezuelan government to suppress any opposition to Nicolás Maduro’s regime.

“We demand an end to the persecution and freedom for all,” said the Command with Venezuela, sharing images of the opposition members currently seeking refuge in the Argentine residence. The precarious situation was further aggravated when Venezuela revoked an authorization granted to Brazil for the protection of the diplomatic mission on September 7.

Opposition Members Seeking Asylum

The individuals seeking asylum in the Argentine Embassy include:

  • Pedro Urruchurtu
  • Magalli Meda
  • Claudia Macero
  • Humberto Villalobos
  • Omar González (former deputy)
  • Fernando Martínez Mottola (advisor to the PUD)

These individuals are members of the Vente Venezuela (VV) party, led by María Corina Machado. They have been accused by the Venezuelan Prosecutor’s Office of conspiracy, treason, and other severe offenses, leading to their current predicament.

The Call for International Support

On Monday, Urruchurtu issued a plea to the international community, urging them to join forces with Argentina and Brazil to secure safe-conduct passes that would allow them to leave Venezuela. He highlighted the “permanent siege and harassment” the opposition members have been enduring within the Argentine Embassy.

Recent Developments

On September 10, the Argentine government stated it is “moving forward” to ensure that the six opponents “do not have any problems at all.” This declaration came after the revocation of Brazil’s authorization led to increased tensions at the diplomatic headquarters.

Demands from Vente Venezuela

In addition to advocating for the safety of the asylum seekers, VV has also intensified its calls for the release of its national leaders, Henry Alviarez and Dignora Hernández, who have been detained for six months. They face accusations related to alleged “violent actions” during the July 28 presidential elections, which have been marred by controversy.

The Political Landscape in Venezuela

Venezuela is experiencing a profound political crisis, particularly following the presidential elections in which Nicolás Maduro was re-elected for a third consecutive term, according to the National Electoral Council (CNE). Meanwhile, the PUD claims a victory for González Urrutia, who is currently in exile in Spain.

The Role of External Governments

External governments play a crucial role in the ongoing political crisis in Venezuela. The support or condemnation of actions taken by the Maduro regime can have significant impacts on the situation within the country. Argentina and Brazil’s involvement in the protection of opposition members signals a potential shift in regional diplomatic strategies.

Table: Key Events in the Venezuelan Political Crisis

Date Event Significance
July 28, 2023 Presidential Elections Maduro re-elected amid widespread accusations of fraud.
September 7, 2023 Revocation of Brazil’s Authorization Increased pressure on the Argentine Embassy and asylum seekers.
September 10, 2023 Argentina’s Government Statement Assurance to protect opposition members within the Embassy.

The Importance of International Solidarity

The situation in Venezuela emphasizes the necessity for international solidarity in the face of oppression. Support for the Venezuelan opposition can pave the way for a more democratic future. The efforts made by Argentina and Brazil are crucial in providing shelter and safety for those facing political persecution.

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