The “Bacheca del Mugugno” starts –

Beppe Grillo and Giuseppe Conte are at the showdown. Chapter after chapter, the clash between the founder of the 5 Star Movement and its current leader has become a saga worthy of “Star Wars”, the film series set in an imaginary galaxy. The battle between the two is a no-holds-barred, for now played only on the media level and through a dense correspondence culminating in a legal warning. While the guarantor of the M5S wrote on Facebook “I am still waiting for answers to the questions sent for more than 10 days” – reposting the open letter to the former Prime Minister on the constituent assembly – the 5 Star president spoke in Parma interviewed by Enrico Mentana at the Open Festival: “Grillo is the father of the movement but I am not the mother”.

Conte and Grillo's Star Wars. Cerno: The Chair and the Salary

The stamped papers, however, continue not to be a foregone conclusion. “This quarrel is not necessarily destined to end in a legal dispute,” Pieremilio Sammarco, one of the most famous lawyers in the capital and the man to whom the guarantor has entrusted the task of winning the battle, told AdnKronos. At this point, everything is in the hands of the two duelists. Beppe Grillo, meanwhile, is starting over with a column. “In recent weeks we have been receiving several letters, emails, requests, reports, complaints, the so-called grumbles,” the founder of the Five Star Movement wrote on his X profile. Hence the news: “We have thus decided to inaugurate a new column, the Mugugno Bulletin Board. Here are the first emails of this week,” he added, referring to his Blog in which he publishes a series of emails from activists who express their opinions on the ongoing feud with President Giuseppe Conte.

#Bacheca #del #Mugugno #starts #Tempo
2024-09-21 16:21:20



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