The most prominent headlines of Moroccan newspapers issued today, Thursday, September 19, 2024


Below is a review of the most prominent headlines in the national newspapers issued today, Thursday, September 19, 2024.

Sending two Canadair aircraft to the Royal Armed Forces to combat forest fires in Portugal (Moroccan Sahara)

On the high instructions of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Supreme Commander and Chief of General Staff of the Royal Armed Forces, the Royal Air Force sent two Canadair aircraft and a CASA support aircraft, yesterday, Wednesday, September 18, to Monte Real, Portugal, to contribute to the efforts of the Portuguese authorities to combat forest fires in the north of the country, as part of a joint initiative in which Spanish, French and Italian aircraft also participated. A statement from the General Command of the Royal Armed Forces explained that four crews and a technical team from the firefighting squadron of the 3rd Air Base of the Royal Air Force were also mobilized as part of this mission, which comes in response to a request for support from the Portuguese authorities.

Nadia Fattah highlights the importance of increasing pensions for retirees in the public and private sectors (Sahara Morocco)

Nadia Fettah, Minister of Economy and Finance, revealed the measures related to the increase in pensions for retirees in the public and private sectors. In response to a written question from the Authenticity and Modernity Party in the House of Representatives on “the increase in pensions for retirees in the public and private sectors,” Fettah stated that retirees have benefited over the years from reviewing the income tax exemption rate applied to pensions, allowing for a significant discount rate of nearly 70 percent before applying the tax. The minister also confirmed that the government has set the minimum pension at 1,000 dirhams per month for the National Social Security Fund, and 1,500 dirhams for the civil and military pension systems and the collective retirement pension system.

UN E-Government Development Index: Morocco gains 11 points and rises to 90th place globally (Al-Ummah Message)

Morocco has advanced by 11 points in the United Nations E-Government Index for 2024, ranking 90th globally out of 193 member states of the United Nations, after ranking 101st in 2022. Morocco’s ranking in this ranking came according to the E-Government Development Report (EGDI), which is issued every two years by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), after obtaining a score of 0.6841 points, which is higher than the global average of 0.6283 points, noting that the closer the score is to a point, the more advanced the country is in the ranking.

Arrest of three “ISIS” members who were preparing to carry out terrorist projects (Al-Ummah Message)

The Central Bureau of Judicial Investigations, based on accurate information provided by the General Directorate of Territorial Surveillance, was able to arrest three individuals loyal to the terrorist organization “ISIS”, aged between 18 and 39, on suspicion of their involvement in preparing to carry out several terrorist projects aimed at seriously harming the safety of persons and public order, as part of the ongoing efforts to neutralize the risks of terrorist threats. A statement from the Central Bureau of Judicial Investigations stated that the elements of the special force of the General Directorate of Territorial Surveillance initiated intervention and arrest procedures in separate operations targeting the suspects in the cities of Fez, Fnideq and the rural community of “Oulad Ghanem” in the province of El Jadida.

Experts in Geneva denounce recruitment of children in Tindouf as “serious violation of human rights” (Socialist Union)

In Geneva, human rights experts and activists denounced the recruitment of children in armed conflicts around the world, particularly in the Tindouf camps, describing this practice as a serious violation and an obstacle to peace and development. During a panel discussion organized by the non-governmental organization “Independent Commission on Human Rights in Africa”, on the sidelines of the 57th session of the Human Rights Council, the focus was on the challenges that hinder the right to development in some regions of the world, including the phenomenon of forced recruitment of children into armed militias, which is a cause for deep concern.

The Democratic Federation of Labor demands the withdrawal of the new draft law on “KNOPS” (Socialist Union)

The Democratic Federation of Labor demanded the withdrawal of the draft law to integrate members of the National Fund for Social Security Organizations (CNOPS) into the National Social Security Fund (CNSS), and rejected the government’s monopolization of this project, considering it hasty and without consulting with union actors. Most of the union centers also rejected the draft law on integration, which the government presented in its government council meeting held on Thursday, September 19, 2024, and considered that it was done unilaterally without consulting social actors.

Accelerating the completion of 16 large dams and water projects in Marrakech at a cost of more than 2 billion dirhams (Al Alam)

In implementation of the royal high instructions, the pace of construction of 16 large dams in various regions of the Kingdom is being accelerated, with the aim of enhancing water security and addressing climate challenges affecting water resources. Regarding the ongoing efforts within the framework of the National Program for the Supply of Drinking Water and Irrigation Water “2020-2027” and in order to overcome water stress and drought in the Marrakech prefecture, the Ministry of Equipment and Water has programmed the construction of a significant number of water projects at a cost of more than 2 billion dirhams. These projects include the construction of a new large dam in the region, the construction of a small dam, in addition to working on a flood protection project.

Morocco is the second largest exporter of tomatoes to the British market (Al-Ahdath Al-Maghribia)

Morocco ranked second in terms of tomato exports to the UK market, behind the Netherlands, surpassing Spain, which was the main supplier of this product to this market. The volume of Moroccan exports represented 34 percent of the volume of tomatoes purchased by British companies. Morocco was able to export more than 125.62 million kg of tomatoes in 2023, surpassing Spanish exports.

Health Insurance.. Merging Funds Sparks Controversy (Al-Ahdath Al-Maghribia)

The government’s decision to merge the CNOPS into the National Social Security Fund has sparked mixed reactions, most notably the rejection of the decision by the Moroccan Labor Union, which expressed its denunciation of the government’s drafting of Bill 23-54, which stipulates the integration of members of the National Fund for Social Security Organizations (CNOPS) into the National Social Security Fund (CNSS), which it described as being done unilaterally and outside the social dialogue institution, calling on it to immediately withdraw the bill and put it on the social dialogue table. In a statement, the union strongly condemned what it considered “the government’s disregard for the interests of more than 3 million insured persons and beneficiaries who are members of the CNOPS and its tampering with the fate of hundreds of employees and executives in this social institution.”

France Visa.. Video Appointments (Moroccan Events)

Starting yesterday, Wednesday, new procedures for obtaining French visas in Morocco came into effect, as the company “TLSContact” began implementing a new system for obtaining visa appointments, by verifying the identity of applicants via video call at the visa center in Rabat. The company confirmed on its website that the new procedures target all initial visa applications, whether they are family or tourist visits or for private purposes such as study, research, work, training, or participation in cultural, scientific or sporting events.

Morocco reaps the fruits of its international credibility in the field of human rights (statement today)

Sahrawi human rights activist, Chebata Mrabi Rabbah, stressed that Morocco, by being elected president of the Human Rights Council this year, is reaping the fruits of its progress in a number of areas, and its international image and credibility. Mr. Chebata, who is also the head of the Sahara Center for Studies and Research on Development and Human Rights, added that “the opening of some thirty consular representations in the southern provinces is a clear example of the positive dynamics of development in the region. The whole world is witness to that.”

His Majesty the King issues a royal pardon to 638 people on the occasion of the Prophet’s birthday (today’s statement)

On the occasion of the Prophet’s birthday this year 1446 AH 2024 AD, His Majesty the King, may God preserve him and grant him victory, issued his royal order to pardon a group of people, including detainees and those at large, sentenced by various courts in the Kingdom, totaling 638 people.

766 thousand tons of fish unloaded (morning)

The unloaded quantities of coastal and traditional fishing products marketed, at the national level, amounted to a total of 766,196 tons at the end of last August, an increase of 2 percent, compared to the same period in 2023. According to the National Fisheries Office, the value of these unloaded quantities amounted to more than 7.41 billion dirhams, recording an increase of 5 percent compared to the same period last year.

Trapping tax thieves boosts treasury (Sabah)

The tax measures included in the Finance Law to combat tax manipulators and traders and users of fictitious invoices have boosted the resources of the value-added tax collected for the benefit of the state treasury. The Kingdom’s General Treasury recorded an increase in the total resources of this tax by 14.8 percent during the first eight months of the current year compared to the same period last year, to exceed 65 billion dirhams (6,500 billion centimes). The repercussions of the tax measures adopted on tax resources are more evident with regard to the domestic value-added tax, whose resources increased during the same period by more than 21 percent, to reach a total value in eight months of 28 billion dirhams.

4 people arrested in Asfi red-handed for organizing an illegal immigration operation (Al Massae)

Based on accurate information provided by the General Directorate of Territorial Surveillance, the regional security police in Safi were able to arrest four people aged between 34 and 48, on suspicion of being linked to a criminal network active in organizing illegal immigration and human trafficking. The suspects were arrested in coordination with the Royal Gendarmerie in the rural area of ​​Saadla, about 15 kilometers from Safi, while they were preparing to carry out an illegal immigration operation via sea routes, for the benefit of 12 candidates for clandestine immigration.

Blue Economy: Morocco seeks new expertise (L’Inspiracion Eco)

A delegation from Morocco recently visited the port of Vigo, Spain, on a trade mission to Spain and Portugal aimed at promoting the exchange of knowledge, expertise and good practices in the field of the blue economy. The delegation, made up of dozens of government representatives and key players in the sector, aims to identify opportunities for cooperation and technology transfer. It also seeks to draw lessons from models of governance, innovation and sustainable development implemented in the two countries for application in Morocco.

Morocco and China strengthen cooperation in water resources (L’Opinion)

Morocco and China signed a memorandum of understanding to establish an executive program for cooperation in the field of water resources covering the period 2025-2027. This executive program, signed by the Minister of Equipment and Water, Nizar Baraka, and the Chinese Vice Minister of Water Resources, Zhou Xingqing, aims to exchange expertise, strengthen human and institutional capacities, prepare joint cooperation projects, and coordinate the implementation of specialized training programs in the field of water.

Inclusive growth: Morocco is witnessing accelerated reforms (Le Matin)

Thanks to its strong macroeconomic management, Morocco has been able to maintain stability in the face of global shocks, according to a study by the Crédit Agricole de France group. According to the study, the country is still facing major challenges, notably slow growth, climate risks and rising unemployment. The Kingdom is therefore undergoing a profound economic transformation, driven by a new development model.

20 percent of informal entrepreneurs have never attended school (The Economist)

There appear to be a number of barriers preventing informal entrepreneurs from taking the step of formalizing their businesses, according to a study by the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the African Development Bank. The first barrier cited by the researchers is the very low level of education of informal entrepreneurs, with less than 15 percent having a university degree or vocational training. Moreover, more than 20 percent of them have never been to school. 25 percent have only primary education, and 40 percent have a secondary or university qualification. This, of course, has a direct impact on the core skills of these entrepreneurs.

Congratulatory telegram from His Majesty the King to the President of the Republic of Chile on the occasion of his country’s National Day (Liberation)

His Majesty King Mohammed VI sent a congratulatory message to the President of the Republic of Chile, His Excellency Mr. Gabriel Boric, on the occasion of his country’s celebration of its National Day. In this message, His Majesty the King expressed to Mr. Boric his sincere congratulations and wishes for the Chilean people continued progress and prosperity. His Majesty the King’s message included: “On this occasion, I am pleased to renew to Your Excellency the keenness of the Kingdom of Morocco to strengthen the relations of friendship and cooperation that bind it to the Republic of Chile, and to work together to advance them to include all areas for the benefit of our two friendly peoples.”

Foreign Direct Investment: Net Flow Up 46.8 Percent at the End of July (Al Bayan)

The Exchange Office reported that the net inflow of foreign direct investment amounted to more than 13.06 billion dirhams at the end of July 2024, an increase of 46.8 percent compared to the same period last year. The office explained, in its latest bulletin on monthly indicators of foreign exchanges, that the revenues from these investments recorded a growth of 9.5 percent to more than 22.23 billion dirhams, while expenditures recorded a decrease of 19.6 percent to 9.16 billion dirhams.

#prominent #headlines #Moroccan #newspapers #issued #today #Thursday #September
2024-09-21 15:55:17



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