Brenna wants a higher threshold for family reunification

Brenna wants a higher threshold for family reunification

The Labor Party wants to settle on a clearer and stricter immigration policy, signals deputy leader Tonje Brenna.

Opposite NRK’s Political Quarter she announced proposals that rules for family reunification should be changed.

– The first question is how high the maintenance requirement should be, i.e. how much you have to earn before you are allowed to pick up your spouse, said Brenna.

– The second thing I think we need to discuss is what we do to ensure that those who come to Norway, who are largely women, find work, she continued.

She pointed out that this group is not required to complete either an introductory program or language training.

– It is a big problem, both for the individual woman who is left on the outside, but also because they eventually become mothers and role models for their own children. We need them to come to work too, said Brenna.

She also emphasized that Norway must see arrivals in context. In this year with many arrivals, as in the last couple of years when we have accepted many Ukrainian refugees, we have to accept fewer quota refugees.

Brenna was in Denmark this week to see how they organize their immigration and integration policy. She believes that Norway has something to learn from how Denmark returns asylum seekers whose applications have been rejected, and that this can be more effective in this country.

Brenna has led the work on Ap’s draft party program for the next parliamentary term. This will be presented on Monday 30 September.

#Brenna #higher #threshold #family #reunification
2024-09-21 15:53:17



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