When is the official opening?

During the equinox, day and night are of roughly equal length, but from this point on, the night begins to grow longer and the day shorter, culminating in the Winter Solstice in December.

It is noted that in Greece, day and night are not exactly equal on the day of the equinox, as is the case at the equator. The “equinox day-equinox night” occurs a few days before or after the equinox, depending on the geographical location.

What is the Equinox?

In astronomy, the equinox is the sidereal day when the center of the sun’s disc is an equal amount of time above and below the horizon of each place, i.e. it crosses equal arcs (diurnal and nocturnal), and during which the sun’s rays fall vertically at the equator.

The phenomenon is due to the rotation of the earth around the sun and the tilt of its axis of rotation. As the Earth orbits the Sun, and because its axis of rotation is not perpendicular to the plane of rotation, the length of the day changes. Twice a year the Earth is in such a position that the sun’s rays fall completely vertically on the equator.

In many languages ​​the corresponding term verbally does not refer to the concept of equinox but of equinox, mainly due to its Latin origin (Latin aequinoctium). The two equinoxes occur between the two solstices, the winter solstice and the summer solstice.

The phenomenon of the equinox occurs in all the planets of each solar system, which have an inclination of the axis of rotation with respect to the plane of orbit.

The equinoxes occur around March 21 (vernal) and September 23 (autumnal).

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