Fial’s plan for the elections: ODS should keep the number of governors and the strongest Senate club

Fial’s plan for the elections: ODS should keep the number of governors and the strongest Senate club

The ODS would like to continue to have at least the same number of governors as before and wants to keep the strongest club in the Senate so that Miloš Vystrčil can continue as the chairman of the upper chamber of the Parliament. Prime Minister and ODS chairman Petr Fiala told journalists in Brno after casting his vote.

The ODS has three governors, namely Martin Červíček in the Hradec Králové Region, Martin Kuba in the South Bohemian Region and Vítězslav Schrek in Vysočín. In the coalition Together in South Moravia, the People’s Party of Jan Grolich and everyone, according to Fiala, are doing their job excellently. In the Senate, he would like to win at least seven to eight mandates for the ODS club and TOP 09, because ODS would retain the strongest club. “Miloš Vystrčil (President of the Senate) is doing his job brilliantly,” said Fiala. The Senate club ODS and TOP 09 defends 14 mandates in this year’s vote, of which ODS holds ten.

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According to the prime minister, people should exercise their right to decide what health care, roads and who will manage the region will look like in the regions. According to him, the Senate elections are important because the Senate has shown the role of insurance and correction in Czech democracy. “Even though it is true that participation in regional elections is not high,” noted Fiala.

According to him, the floods, which destroyed large parts of villages and towns in some parts of northern Moravia, will not have a major impact on the elections. “We tried to ensure that even in the most affected places, people could vote, and we succeeded. Now it’s up to the voters how this will affect their decision-making,” Fiala said.

The polling stations will close on Saturday at 14:00 and then the results of both regional and senate elections will be announced.

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Fial’s plan for the elections: ODS should keep the number of governors and the strongest Senate club



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