Asylum: Decline in applications accelerates

According to monthly statistics, 1,704 applications were submitted in August. This is 74 percent fewer than in the same month in 2023, when 7,043 applications were submitted. This makes August the month with the lowest number of asylum applications and the one with the largest decline compared to the previous year.

A total of 16,949 applications were registered this year. That is a decrease of 53 percent. This means that we are heading towards the lowest number of asylum applications since the first Corona year of 2020. These figures also mean that the room capacities have been reduced. As of September 15, federal quarters in Semmering, Klingenbach, Vienna and Korneuburg were closed. This means that only eleven facilities are still in operation. At the beginning of the year there were 20. At the beginning of September, 71,050 people were accommodated in basic care, with Ukrainians making up the majority here.

Syrians largest group

In terms of the origin of the refugees, Syrians are by far the largest group this year, with over 10,000 applications. The fact that family reunification is no longer the same factor as it was at the beginning of the year can be seen in the significant decline in female asylum seekers. In August, only just under 31 percent of applications came from women. In the first half of the year, the figure was always between 44 and 49 percent.

This year, 19,098 applications were approved, 12,688 of which were for asylum. The rest were for subsidiary protection or humanitarian stay.

According to preliminary figures on deportations in the first eight months, 8,912 people left the country, 52 percent of them forcibly. Of this group, 45 percent had criminal convictions, according to the Interior Ministry.



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