Despina Moiraraki for the carpets in the Ministry of Tourism: I gave them a better price – I have given them to other ministries as well

“The minister chose the Persian carpets and the ministry bought them. I haven’t been paid yet, it’s too early, the government doesn’t pay directly. We hope to be paid by Christmas. Their value is 14,000. The ministry decided after 15 years to do a renovation and called me to ask about what carpets to use. but I had a huge difficulty because the minister wanted them to be economical but also large and of high quality. All together this does not happen. Finally they decided to take these two carpets. I also gave them a better price”, he said initially and added:

“Such a carpet takes 4 years to make. I made them a very good offer. This is not the first time I have given carpets to a ministry. I have given to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Shipping, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Defence, and the Maximos Palace. everything that the government buys, the respective minister does not take home. I don’t know why they were teased. Shouldn’t our country be beautiful, how are we going to approach people, do we have to go inside and see scruffy floors?”

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#Despina #Moiraraki #carpets #Ministry #Tourism #gave #price #ministries



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