A safe state – Milenio Group

Laguna / 21.09.2024 00:14:41

The coordination that exists between the three levels of government, civil society, as well as the Mexican Army, Navy and National Guard, has made Coahuila the third safest state in the country, below Baja California Sur and Yucatán.

This was commented by Manolo Jiménez, governor of the entity during the Plenary Session of the Security and Justice Board of Torreón, in which he was accompanied by different authorities, both federal, state and municipal.

Jiménez Salinas commented that the National Survey of Victimization and Perception of Public Safety (ENVIPE) of INEGI was the one that provided the results, so those who live in Coahuila can feel calm, confident that in terms of security things are being done well.

Citizens know that the governor prioritizes living in a climate of tranquility, so that Coahuilans can go about their daily lives with complete peace of mind.

But the most important thing is that there are no incidents of extreme violence, that crimes both under federal and common jurisdiction continue to decline, since in this way there is confidence to invest in Coahuila, which is why both national and international companies continue to establish themselves throughout the state.

Thanks to the protection that Coahuila has, there is growth, there is an increase in jobs and it is possible to travel on all the state’s highways, which does not happen in neighboring entities such as Nuevo León, Zacatecas, Chihuahua. Manolo Jiménez also commented that ENVIPE published that Coahuila is the second entity with the highest percentage of the population that feels safe, after increasing from 53.7 percent of the population that felt safe in 2023 to 60 percent in 2024.

Before participating in the Working Groups, the governor had a meeting with General Alberto Ibarra Flores, commander of the Eleventh Military Region and his work teams, agreeing to continue permanently strengthening security in the state, carrying out special and coordinated operations in all regions.

The quality of life is felt throughout the entity.




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