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On December 15, the National University Anti-epidemic Lecture Hall was held at Sun Yat-sen University. Academician Zhong Nanshan, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, gave a lecture on the dynamics and response of the new crown (Omicron) epidemic. Is the new crown virus “strong in the north and weak in the south”? Zhong Nanshan: There is no obvious difference between the two strains. In the lecture hall, Zhong Nanshan said that the prevalent strain in Guangzhou is BA.5.2; the prevalent strain in the north, BF.7 (short for BA., is a mutant strain based on BA.5.2. Overall, there is no obvious difference between the two strains. Zhong Nanshan said that in the north, the incubation period is further shortened, and patients become contagious the next day after infection. Most people do not have obvious symptoms after infection, that is, asymptomatic infections. Some people have symptoms such as dry throat, sore throat, dry cough, headache, and fever, which are mild patients. He pointed out that high fever and body pain make patients very uncomfortable, but this is different from severe and mild diseases in medicine, and it does not mean that severe pain is severe. The faster Omicron mutates, the more contagious it is. Zhong Nanshan said that before Omicron came out, strains such as Beta, Gamma, and Delta had mutated, but not much. But judging from the transmission data in 2022, Omicron obviously mutates much faster than the original strain. At present, the frequency of Omicron mutations is increasing, and the total mutation rate has now reached 96.4%. In other words, there are less than 4% that have not yet mutated, which is close to saturation. Therefore, the more mutations Omicron has, the stronger its resistance to vaccines in all aspects, and the more contagious it is. Why not advocate “everyone is positive together”? Zhong Nanshan said that infection with Omicron (BA.4/5, BF.7) is not terrible, and most of them can recover completely in 7-10 days. Zhong Nanshan mentioned that there is now a saying that “it’s better to be positive together if it’s early or late”, and this concept is not advisable. Prevention of infection is still important. China has a large population base, and it is cautious to prevent large-scale infection in a short period of time, which will affect the normal social order and lead to the emergence of new mutant strains. He pointed out that on the one hand, there is a strong call for accelerating the vaccination, especially the enhanced vaccination of heterologous vaccines. On the other hand, personal protection is also very important, wearing masks, washing hands frequently, ventilating frequently, and observing the one-meter line. In addition, it is necessary to strengthen the promotion of drugs and the third phase of clinical trials, promote the approval process, and speed up the listing. Zhong Nanshan proposed 8 personal protection suggestions to strengthen protection (wearing masks, keeping distance, reducing public gatherings, etc.); should not be afraid of infection; most infected people do not need to go to the hospital; pay attention to frequent antigen testing at home; if you have a persistent fever, you must go to the hospital; elderly people with general chronic diseases should also be vaccinated; there is no need to stockpile medicines; “old medicines for new uses” must be strictly tested.



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