In Georgia, Kamala Harris denounces restrictions on abortion rights

At a flash rally in Atlanta, Kamala Harris came to campaign on her favorite theme: abortion, in a state, Georgia, where the right to voluntary termination of pregnancy has been virtually prohibited since the overturning of the Roe decision. vs Wade by the Supreme Court. Kamala Harris paid tribute to the first victims, according to her, of this legislation inherited from Donald Trump’s time in the White House.

Published on: 21/09/2024 – 07:54Modified on: 09/21/2024 – 07:58

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On the Atlanta stage, Kamala Harris has the audience repeat the name of a woman, Amber Thurman. She is the first known victim of the cancellation of federal abortion rights in the United States, reports our special correspondent on the scene, David ThomsonThe 28-year-old medical assistant died from an infection caused by fetal remains left in her uterus after she took an abortion pill. Doctors who face up to 10 years in prison in Georgia if they perform an abortion after six weeks of pregnancy refused to treat her and perform the curettage that could have saved her life.

Amber Thurman died after twenty hours of ordeal due to lack of care. The Democratic candidate made her the symbol of Donald Trump’s record. Her family told me she just got an apartment with a pool for her and her son. She was so proud and she was going to start nursing school. “, Kamala Harris said.

Also readUnited States: Two years later, the repeal of the right to abortion no longer has a consensus among Republicans

Melissa, 42, has tears in her eyes when she recalls the tragedy. This black woman from Atlanta identifies perfectly with Amber Thurman. It could be me, or one of my sisters. Because if I get pregnant, I could very well have a miscarriage. But if I go to the hospital for a curettage, I could die on the table because the doctor is not allowed to do that operation. So this election is really a matter of life and death for me. “In November, not only will Melissa vote for her “buddy” Kamala as she calls her, but she also plans to mobilize everyone around her to restore reproductive rights.

Tim Walz Travels Pennsylvania

While the American vice president campaigns in Georgia, her running mate Tim Walz is, meanwhile, in another key state, Pennsylvania, which he continues to crisscross. After what Democrats call a “barnstorming tour” in a largely rural state, Tim Walz is now arriving in town, in Allentown in the center of Lehigh County, which voted Democratic in the last two elections, in 2020, when Joe Biden won, and in 2016 when Donald Trump won.

Despite the steel industry closures that Billy Joel famously sang about, Allentown has reinvented itself. It has attracted companies in the medical and medical equipment sectors, but also in transportation, logistics, and equipment for gas fracking further north.

Also readTim Walz, an “everyman” propelled as Kamala Harris’ running mate

An hour’s drive from Philadelphia, Allentown is also in the direct orbit of the great East Coast megalopolis. As a result, the unemployment rate is just 3.5%, below the national average and in line with the state average. It’s no surprise that Lehigh County was one of the elements that allowed Joe Biden to rebuild the blue wall in 2020. And that’s probably what Tim Walz and the Democrats are trying to maintain with this visit to a city that has also seen a sharp increase in the Latino population in recent years. A population that votes less, and less systematically Democratic than other demographic groups, and that must therefore be won over.



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