More electricity customers pay for more than they use – now the network companies must be monitored more closely

More electricity customers pay for more than they use – now the network companies must be monitored more closely

Those who use electricity when the price is low will receive a lower electricity bill. It turns out that it is not always like that, because the reporting of power consumption is not always correct.

The grid companies send information about the customers’ electricity consumption from AMS meters to Elhub, which keeps statistics on the hourly values ​​that are reported. This will ensure that people do not pay too much.

– Despite this, 1 percent of the consumption is still estimated in the settlement. This means that not all electricity customers are billed based on actual consumption, says section manager Torfinn Jonassen in RME in a press release.

If 1 percent of the hourly values ​​are missing each month, it could affect 33,000 electricity customers every month. Most companies report data with a quality of over 99 per cent each month, RME’s surveys show, but some have significantly lower data quality.

– To ensure that electricity customers are billed according to actual consumption, we will in future follow the network companies’ reporting to Elhub more closely, says Jonassen.

He warns that there may be consequences for companies that have a lot of incorrect reporting.

– We will carry out a new survey for the second half of the year in January 2025, and we will assess financial reactions to online companies with low data quality, says Torfinn Jonassen.

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2024-09-21 06:33:23



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