Michel Barnier has sent a “finalized” list of names to Emmanuel Macron, according to the Prime Minister’s entourage

Matignon announced on Friday that the head of government still intended to present the composition of his team “before Sunday” after “final adjustments”.

Published on 20/09/2024 23:35

Reading time: 1 min

Prime Minister Michel Barnier, September 7, 2024, in Paris. (LUDOVIC MARIN / AFP) Prime Minister Michel Barnier, September 7, 2024, in Paris. (LUDOVIC MARIN / AFP)

The final stretch for Michel Barnier? The Prime Minister communicated, on Friday, September 20, “the finalized architecture and composition” of his government to Emmanuel Macron, according to the Prime Minister’s office. The head of government “should” have a phone call on Friday “in the evening” with the President of the Republic, the same source added. When contacted, the Elysée did not confirm this meeting.

Matignon announced on Friday that the head of government still intended to present “before Sunday” the composition of his team after “final adjustments.”

“We must let Michel Barnier work” said Emmanuel Macron on Friday, speaking briefly to the press during his visit to Chartres (Eure-et-Loir). He emphasized “It is important that all political groups, with commitment and a sense of responsibility, assist him” in this task, adding that the Prime Minister had “full freedom” to form his government. “There is no government that has been proposed today” he further asserted.

After meeting on Thursday with the heads of the various parties that could join the government, the Prime Minister had submitted a list of 38 ministers to the President of the Republic. Matignon then announced that the government would be presented “before Sunday”, awaiting approval from the High Authority for Transparency in Public Life (HATVP).

Published on 20/09/2024 23:35

Reading time: 1 min

Prime Minister Michel Barnier, September 7, 2024, in Paris. (LUDOVIC MARIN / AFP)

Prime Minister Michel Barnier, September 7, 2024, in Paris. (LUDOVIC MARIN / AFP)

The final stretch for Michel Barnier? The Prime Minister transmitted, Friday, September 20, “the finalized architecture and composition” of his government to Emmanuel Macron, the entourage of the Matignon tenant has announced. The head of government “should” have a phone call on Friday “in the evening” with the President of the Republic, added the same source. When contacted, the Elysée did not confirm this interview.

“We must let Michel Barnier work” said Emmanuel Macron on Friday, speaking very briefly to the press on the sidelines of his trip to Chartres (Eure-et-Loir). He is “It is important that all political groups, with commitment and a sense of responsibility, help him” in this task, added the head of state, stressing that the Prime Minister had a “full freedom” to form his government. “There is no government that has been put on the table today” he further stressed.

After having gathered, on Thursday, the heads of the different parties that could enter the government, the Prime Minister had submitted a list of 38 ministers to the President of the Republic. Then Matignon had announced that the government would be presented “before Sunday” awaiting the green light from the High Authority for Transparency in Public Life (HATVP).

Political Context and Implications

This announcement comes at a critical time in French politics as Prime Minister Barnier seeks to build a cabinet that reflects diverse political perspectives while ensuring effective governance. The ongoing negotiations with various political groups present unique challenges.

Key Considerations for Barnier’s Cabinet

  • Inclusivity: The need for representation from all political factions to foster a collaborative government environment.
  • Policy Priorities: Focusing on issues like economic recovery, climate change, and social welfare will be crucial.
  • Stability: Ensuring a stable government that can withstand political pressures, especially with upcoming elections.

Expectations for the Announcement

As the deadline approaches for the cabinet announcement, speculation grows regarding the individuals who will be appointed. Political analysts suggest that Barnier will need to balance popularity with competency in his selections.

Potential Figures in the New Cabinet

Name Position Political Affiliation
Jean-Pierre Raffarin Minister of Economy Center Right
Marina Silva Minister of Environment Green Party
Lucie Bouchard Minister of Education Socialist Party

Public Sentiment and Opinion

Public opinion is pivotal in gauging the success of Barnier’s government formation. Recent polls indicate that voters are looking for transparency and integrity from their leaders.

  • The importance of public trust in government institutions.
  • Voter expectations regarding social policies and healthcare initiatives.

Challenges Ahead

While Barnier prepares for his government announcement, several challenges loom:

  1. Navigating inter-party relationships.
  2. Addressing the economic fallout from recent global events.
  3. Implementing necessary reforms amid public scrutiny.

The Role of Media in Political Change

In today’s digital age, media representation plays a crucial role in shaping political narratives. The coverage of Barnier’s cabinet announcement will not only influence public perception but also guide voter sentiment leading into the next election cycle.

Strategies for Effective Communication

Effective strategies for Barnier and his team may include:

  • Utilizing social media platforms for direct communication with constituents.
  • Engaging in public forums and town hall meetings to foster community relations.



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