Polakis: He proposes a presidential election on November 3 and 10 – His 6 proposals for restarting SYRIZA 2024-09-21 04:47:40

Mr. Polakis proposes the vote for the election of president to SYRIZA to be held on November 3 and 10.

SYRIZA: The proposals of Pavlos Polakis

“SYRIZA has plunged into a period of introversion, unprecedented tensions and public protests that have resulted, among other things, in our continuous poll decline. This process of discrediting SYRIZA in the eyes of public opinion must be reversed immediately. We cannot continue for long on the same path of constant introversion. “Immediately, we should communicate a clear programmatic speech outlining an alternative government program.”

“Furthermore, in the proposal we will make as PG to the Central Committee, we should take into account that the restart of the party requires:

a. Extraordinary conference to nominate candidates for Presidents.

b. Elections (possibly in two rounds) to elect a President.

c. Statutory conference to finalize required changes.

d. Elections of a new Central Committee and regional bodies (according to the new statute).

e. Program conference which will finalize our government program and mark the beginning of our political counterattack (statutory conference and program conference can be held together).

g. Immediate organizational reconstruction of the party.

With purely political criteria, with the aim of reuniting the base of the party as quickly as possible – as a prerequisite for a dynamic comeback – setting aside personal costs, group strategies, personal choices based on political survival and ignoring the public “war” in which they have to the attention of many of our executives, I submit a draft proposal of the PG to the upcoming K.E (21/9/2024).

Specifically, with the aim of speeding up the procedures for the immediate reversal of the negative climate, based on our historical path and the statutory provisions and taking into account the financial possibilities of SYRIZA, I propose:

K.E. to decide on an extraordinary congress with the participation of the newly elected congressmen. The conference, (with provision for physical as well as remote participation), will decide on the nomination of the candidates and will reach a political decision”.

The timetable proposed by Pavlos Polakis

29/09/2024 Submission of nominations

05/10/2024 Permanent conference

03/11/2024 First vote for President

10/11/2024 Second vote for President

“Outside the microcosm of SYRIZA, society faces acute problems that lead even ND MPs to oppose. At this juncture, prolonging a period of extreme introversion for no serious reason is the best gift for the opponent,” he notes.

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#Polakis #proposes #presidential #election #November #proposals #restarting #SYRIZA



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