“Other people’s games” are coming to Patras

“Other people’s games” are coming to Patras

The Panhellenic Network for Theater in Education in collaboration with DI.PE.THE. Patras presents the play “Other People’s Games”, which will be performed in schools in our area during October and November 2024. A specific number of afternoon and evening performances will also be performed at the Barry Theater as follows: October 12-13, 21 – 22 October and 9-10 November 2024, Saturday afternoons 6.00pm and Saturday and Sunday evenings 8.00pm.

The show is designed specifically for teenagers and children, but it also applies to every adult. We follow the story of two boys, one living the horror inside the concentration camp and the other the consequences of this horror outside the camp. They live in two worlds so different yet so similar. Through their eyes, the audience experiences the loss, the fear, but also the hope that emerges from their humanity, vision and resilience, all the while promoting hope for peace. This story knows no nationalities and no time. It is still answered today in the here and now.

After the show for the schools is offered a free Theatropedagogical Program by the Panhellenic Network for Theater in Education .

Objectives and Educational Value

The show aims to:

  • Historical Memory: To provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the history of the Holocaust, its causes and consequences.
  • Intercultural Education : To enhance understanding and awareness around the issues of human rights.
  • Social Skills: To strengthen her empathy and students’ understanding through personal connection to the stories of victims and survivors.
  • Active Citizenship: To encourage students to develop critical thinkingdialogue and examine the moral dimensions of historical events within the context of society.
  • Optimistic Life Attitude: To promote its value of peace and to combat intolerance and racism.

Text: Georgina Kakoudaki- Ioulis Doubou

Direction – Theatrical Education Program: Ioulis Doubou

Music investment: Andriana Angelopoulou
Sets – Costumes: Maria Vasilaki
Organizational Advisor: Vasia Kossiva
Performance photography: Giorgos Kalogeris

Poster Creative: Panagiotis Mavridis

Production: KYKLORAMA

They are playing professional actors (in alphabetical order): Anna Ziakka, Giorgos Komninoglou, Yiannis Tsakonas.

The voice of Yannis Kalantzopoulos is heard

We await you to experience together this moving theatrical experience, which is not just a narrative of the past, but a reminder of our future.

Tickets available: www. ticketservices.gr

Information: 694 6969 303

Ticket price. Regular: 12 euros

Pupil-Student: 8 euros

#peoples #games #coming #Patras



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