Mental Health Consultant: Protecting Children from Destructive Thoughts by Discussing Their Opinions

Dr. Walid Hindi, a mental health consultant, gave a set of important tips to the Egyptian family to protect their children from destructive ideas by discussing their ideas, sharing them with them, giving them the freedom to express them, and listening to them with interest, in addition to raising children on sound foundations regarding their relationship with the opposite sex, dealing with adults, and bullying issues.

In a phone call with “Youm7 TV” with colleague Mohamed Abu Laila, he warned against excessive use of social media by children due to its negative effects on the youth and consequently learning incorrect things and providing false information, calling on parents to monitor their children while using these means and even work to limit their access to some sites to avoid their risks in shaping their intellectual conscience.

Hindi said that involving children in celebrating religious occasions and in cultural and musical events held by the state for free, in addition to practicing reading, are all things that help form a healthy conscience for the youth, and serve as a firewall against destructive and extremist ideas that children may be exposed to at that age through the incorrect use of modern technological means.



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