He threatened to blow up the embankment. “A man in uniform” detained. There is a statement from Donald Tusk

What’s happening: “Urgent! ABW officers have just detained a person who, dressed in a uniform, was disinforming residents about an alleged plan to blow up a flood embankment. The ABW and prosecutor’s office are taking action,” Donald Tusk reported on social media.

Background: During Thursday’s (September 19) meeting of the crisis team in Wrocław, Donald Tusk warned against a “man in uniform” who “visits some places, pretending to be a soldier, and says that the levees will be blown up in a moment”. – This man is driving a car with false registration numbers. This is not amateur work, these are serious issues – declared the prime minister. When asked about possible Russian disinformation, the spokesman for the minister-coordinator of special services, Jacek Dobrzyński, emphasized that “every eventuality is investigated very thoroughly”.

Watch the video The military in action in flood areas. Heroic help

How to recognize a real soldier: Due to the growing number of cases of impersonating Polish Army soldiers, the services issued a statement in which they instructed how to recognize a real soldier. According to the statement, each soldier has a patch with his name on his uniform and a second patch on the left shoulder containing the name or abbreviation of the military unit. On the right shoulder is the military rank. In turn, Polish flags are sewn on both shoulders of the uniform. In case of doubt, you can ask to identify yourself with a military booklet.

You will learn more about the “man in uniform” from the conversation between Katarzyna Romik and sociologist Dr. Piotr Toczyski from the Maria Grzegorzewska Academy of Special Education in Warsaw.

Read the sources: Donald TuskTerritorials



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