Where is the dignity when national politicians meddle locally?

Most recently, we in North Jutland described how the line-up of the Liberal Alliance’s top candidate in Aalborg for the next municipal election was also subject to something of the same:

Great vigilance and perhaps even interference from members of the parties’ upper echelons.

In the Liberal Alliance’s local Aalborg branch, an email from the party’s political spokesman, Sólbjørg Jakobsen, meant that several members of the party’s local branch felt intimidated. The email came in the wake of the election of the leading candidate for next year’s municipal elections – an election which did not fall out in favor of the candidate who allegedly had Sólbjørg Jakobsen’s support.

However, Sólbjørg Jakobsen denies that she should have had a favorite candidate.

After the email, two members of LA’s Aalborg branch have also chosen to withdraw from positions of trust in the party’s local organization.

There is no doubt that in all parties it is of great importance who represents them in city councils and regional councils. Especially if it concerns candidates who might become mayors or councillors.

The problem is that when professional politicians step in and take a position locally, it can hardly avoid creating imbalance and insecurity locally.

If you yourself are sitting with a politician’s dream in your stomach, something is needed to potentially lay out with the top of the party by, for example, pointing to someone else in a contested election.

Here, the national politicians should be able to realize that there is an imminent danger that they are effectively drumming over local democracy – even if they are “just expressing their position”.

Both for the parties’ local branches and for local democracy, it is important that we do not end up with city council and regional politicians who are pawns in a national political game.

Local candidates must reflect the wishes of the local party organization. And from there it is up to the voters for city council and regional council elections to tick their favorite local candidate.

Everything else is disorderly and yes, undignified.

2024-09-20 19:06:52
#dignity #national #politicians #meddle #locally



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