Italy returns to the forefront –

Raffaele Fitto will be the Executive Vice President of the European Commission with responsibility for Cohesion and Reforms. This was announced by President Ursula von der Leyen, illustrating the team of EU Commissioners. The other Executive Vice Presidents are: Teresa Ribera (Spain), Stephane Sejourne (France), Kaja Kallas (Estonia); Henna Verkunnen (Finland), Roxana Minzatu (Romania).

“Congratulations to Raffaele Fitto for his appointment as Executive Vice President of the European Commission with responsibility for Cohesion and Reforms. An important recognition that confirms the newfound central role of our nation in the EU”, declared Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. “Italy is finally back as a protagonist in Europe. Good luck Raffaele, we are certain that you will carry out your role very well in the interest of Europe and Italy”.

The new European Commission is “a team of competent and motivated women and men, ready to work together for a stronger, safer and more competitive Union”, announced von der Leyen, during the press conference in Strasbourg. “The idea is not to preserve what already exists, but to embrace innovation, also promoting social cohesion”, she explained, announcing that “the structure of the Commission will be leaner but more connected, and will preserve the balance between the various themes and also at a geographical level”.

A commission with “more fluid, more intertwined” roles and with “more coordination”, according to what is “one of the main recommendations of the Draghi report”, said the president who announced, among other things, that Valdis Dombrovskis will be commissioner for Economy and Simplification.

#Italy #returns #forefront #Tempo
2024-09-21 02:11:19



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