Paweł Szopa from Red is Bad wanted by the services. Is he hiding in South America? – Wprost

It seemed that in the case of corruption in the Government Agency of Strategic Reserves it would be more difficult to arrest Michał K. In the meantime, the former head of RARS has already been caught in London and is waiting for extradition to Poland. However, it was not possible to arrest businessman Paweł Szopa, known for the Red is Bad brand.

Michał K. and Paweł Szopa fled from justice?

The defense attorneys for both suspects in this scandal have already filed motions to issue safe conduct letters to their clients. The District Court in Warsaw will deal with the letter in the case of the former head of the Government Agency for Strategic Reserves, Michał K., on October 1. In the case of Paweł Szopa, the date has not yet been set, because the court returned the motion for supplementation.

The men face serious consequences. The investigation conducted by the Silesian Branch of the Department of Organized Crime and Corruption in Katowice concerns the inflated price for which RARS purchased power generators for Ukraine from Red is Bad. The total is PLN 350 million.

Both Michał K. and Paweł Szopa left the country at the beginning of July. The prosecutor’s office assesses this as an escape. The former’s defense attorneys explained that he left for work. Szopa’s defense attorneys said he went on vacation but did not return for fear of being arrested.
Wanted under an arrest warrant and a European Arrest Warrant, Paweł Szopa claims to be in Germany.

Where is Paweł Szopa?

However, journalists from “Rz” believe that this is not true. “According to our findings, he is staying in one of the South American countries. According to the Lexay law firm from Krakow, four countries of this continent do not respect extradition – Colombia, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay,” we read.

“In this situation, will the prosecutor’s office consider that, having no chance of extradition, it will agree to a safe conduct in order to continue the criminal proceedings? In the application for a safe conduct, Paweł Szopa submitted a notarial certificate that he is in Germany,” the journalists added. The services have not been able to detain Szopa for two weeks. The newspaper claims that the prosecutor’s office is trying to persuade him to cooperate and become a “minor crown witness.” This would involve an extraordinary leniency of punishment.

Read also:
European Arrest Warrant issued for Paweł SzopaRead also:
Czarnecki’s arrest. Kwiatkowski: Another spin-off of the visa scandal



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