Zodiac, you will have the instinctive desire to work today, to deal with obligations and chores of your daily life, but you will… relax later

Today’s conjunction of the Moon with Saturn in Pisces is indicative of how our day will unfold, as early on we will be called upon to show due maturity and responsibility and for a while to put aside our selfishness and desires for the sake of the many .

Maybe we spend most of our day in a close family circle or we will allocate time to take out an obligation, but these are also within the framework. On the other hand, our unbridled romanticism or sentimentality will moderate, since, whether we like it or not, we will be forced to accept that some things need to be done, even if we don’t like them.


With the Moon in your 12th and conjunct Saturn, you will try to exonerate your tendency to run away from reality, torturing yourself with regrets and guilt. You don’t have the energy every day to deal with practical issues or to find drastic solutions and this weighs on you emotionally, instead of motivating you to relax and rest. So for some hours you are likely to create problems due to your melancholy mood, but later when the Moon forms a square with Jupiter from your 3rd, you will successfully overcome them, since your mood will change and you will become more optimistic/ and indifferent to issues that burden you.


You’ll be in a good mood and excited to push plans and plans for your future with the Moon in Pisces in your 11th. In fact, with her conjunction with Saturn, you will have your attention focused and even if you have an appetite to escape, finding time for a coffee, you will avoid it in order to complete your plans. During those hours, you are likely to get cold with someone from your friendly and social circle. Avoid giving a big dimension to the matter because later when the Moon will form a square with Jupiter from your 2nd, you will be in a much better mood and it is a shame to spoil your day for minor misunderstandings. A little caution in the financial sector, especially if they ask you for money.


With the Moon in the sign of Pisces in your 10th, you will have increased obligations in your professional area. You want to draw the spotlight and attention to yourself, but you are worried about your image and reputation, and with the conjunction of the Moon and Saturn, you try to be hardworking and worthy of your employer’s expectations. You do not allow yourself to make mistakes and can become cold and hard in your negotiations. Later when the Moon forms a square with Jupiter from your 1st, you will regain your playful nature and become arrogant and frivolous. Personal and domestic issues take a back seat. It is possible that some problems will arise with your partner, who feels that he is giving more attention than he is receiving.


Your tendencies for today with the Moon in the sign of Pisces in your 9th is to escape in any way from your daily obligations and routine and to do new and different things. And while you have the appetite for the above, the Moon’s conjunction with Saturn fills you with moral dilemmas, regrets and guilt because you just want to escape. If you are on a trip, some problems may arise and delay your plans. With the Moon square to Jupiter from your 12th, you will exuberantly externalize your emotions, show magnanimity and understanding where needed and free yourself from negative feelings that weigh on your soul and conscience.


With the Moon in the sign of Pisces in your 8th, you will have a tendency to discover secrets and generally easily psych out the moods of others. You will be introverted, possibly suspicious and with her conjunction with Saturn, you are likely to develop empathy, malice and jealousy, due to your own insecurity and various complexes that you keep from the past and which are occasionally more evident. Later, the Moon will form a square with Jupiter from your 11th and in the financial sector you may be drawn into waste and avoid paying loans and debts, while in general you will let yourself be carried away by his passions and may get involved in power plays and other extreme forms of jealousy and possessiveness.


With the Moon in the sign of Pisces in your 7th and conjunct Saturn, the need for emotional relationships, partnerships and contacts with people will be emphasized. You will have constant changes in your mood and this is because you will rely a lot on others and you will try to go along with them, as a result of which they will burden you with obligations and for every mistake that is made they will charge you. You will mainly notice this in your collaborations but also in your relationship with your loved one. With the square of the Moon with Jupiter from your 10th, you will find your good and cheerful mood and you will express your emotions exuberantly, regardless of the miserable or bad psychology of those around you.


You will have the instinctive desire to work, to carry out obligations and chores of your daily life with the Moon in the sign of Pisces in your 6th and in conjunction with Saturn. The sense of duty will be accentuated, causing you to be physically and mentally stressed. You will be “suffocated” by obligations, depressed moods, pessimism and microbiophobic tendencies will catch you. It is possible that you will get pains in the back and bones, especially if there is a problem from the past. Later, however, when the Moon will form a square with Jupiter from your 9th, you will have a carefree tendency, laziness and an appetite for light moments that relieve you from your daily and strenuous schedule. At every opportunity you will daydream and chalk it up to recess and laziness.


With the Moon in the sign of Pisces in your 5th, you are in a good mood to organize outings, to engage in your hobbies, to flirt and with the conjunction of Saturn, your plans are ruined, since insecurities will not let you unfold the personality, your talents and to express yourself tenderly and emotionally. Some obligations in relation to the children weigh you down psychologically, perhaps their harsh attitude and behavior, while it is possible that problems with a pregnancy may occur if you are not careful. Later, however, when the square of the Moon will be formed with Jupiter from your 9th, you will have the opportunity to be happy and enjoy the company of people of different philosophies and cultures and to flirt indiscriminately.


With the Moon in the sign of Pisces in your 5th, you are in a good mood to organize outings, engage in your hobbies, relate to your parents and the home. You will have a changeable mood and with the conjunction of the Moon and Saturn you may need to stay at home to take care of your parents and arrange your household obligations. Later on, however, you will also have fun with the square of the Moon with Jupiter from your 7th, you will have a light mood, humor and a need to express your emotions exuberantly, to your family members, to your partner and to all those you consider yours people. Many frivolities will be done on your part and why not, since frivolity is in your blood.


Today you will be in constant motion with the Moon in the sign of Pisces in your 3rd, however with the conjunction of Saturn some movements and meetings will be postponed. In your conversations, you will be careful about what you say and how you say it, and if you are not sure of what you are thinking, it will be easier for you to remain silent, but in general you will be strict in your criticism. The fact that problems arise with a sibling or relative will bring you more obligations and responsibilities. Later, however, you will be indifferent to all of the above since with the square of the Moon with Jupiter from your 6th, you will probably get involved in gossip and meaningless discussions. If you work those hours, chances are you spend most of the time havaleh.


With the Moon moving into Pisces in your 2nd, you will have a strong need for security and emotional attachment to money and material goods. Her conjunction with Saturn will make you a computer woman and self-interested, with the result that you will display snobbery and misery that is not consistent with your liberal nature and spiritual constitution. Later, however, you will show contradictory tendencies with the square of the Moon with Jupiter in your 5th, since it is likely that you have incredible tendencies of generosity and extravagance, as a result of which you take a lot of risks in financial negotiations or purchases. If you throw it into gambling and betting, chances are you will lose your money, due to excessive optimism and frivolity. “Metron ariston”.


With the Moon transiting your sign on the 1st, you feel like you want to express your personality and put yourself first, however with the Moon/Saturn conjunction, responsibilities and obligations don’t let you be happy, with resulting in melancholic moods and lonely tendencies. You feel rejected or not loved enough and it hurts. However, later the depressed mood, with the square of the Moon with Jupiter from your 4th, will give way to cheerfulness and optimism. You will express yourself exuberantly, you will show and receive love from your family, you will have understanding and in general you will spend light and pleasant moments, with exaggerations in your events.

Source: astrology.gr

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#Zodiac #instinctive #desire #work #today #deal #obligations #chores #daily #life #will.. #relax



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