Everything changes at Patrino Carnival

Bold cuts and big changes, according to the exclusive information of “P”, the new president of KEDIP, Pavlos Skouras, is studying for the organization of the next Patrinos Carnival, with fundamental modifications, among others, to the Opening Ceremony, the Children’s Carnival , in the creation of new thematic units and in the search for financial resources.

With these moves, KEDIP wants to extend the duration of the events and the impact of the institution, but at the same time increase the attraction of visitors.

Speaking to the “Peloponnisos” newspaper, Mr. Skouras noted for the interventions he will propose for processing:


Transfer one week before, the Children’s Carnival and its parade

“It’s a thought, in order to expand the carnival season and its intensitybut at the same time to be safe. Because the adults may march in the rain, but the same cannot happen with the little ones. That way we will have a security, so if the weather is rainy, we can move the parade a week later, that is to say the penultimate Sunday, as is the case today.”


Time expansion of the Inauguration celebration, with three days of activities – No more brands at the Inauguration Ceremonies – “Turn” to native artists!

“We are thinking of having a more enriched celebration so that to attract more people, for more days in Patras. On the other hand, the Carnival is not a Festival, it is a Carnival. We don’t want to become famous, bringing a brand to fill the square. Georgiou. We want the events to be purely carnivalesqueto be a creation of the joy of the world. We don’t need aids. And of course what we want is to highlight the cultural product of the city. We will make an effort to highlight the people of art, who live and create in Patras, because they know the Carnival best!”


Demand for financial assistance from organizations that benefit from the Carnival

“We have asked her Olympia Odosthe “Charilaos Trikoupis” Bridgethe Intercity busthe Chamber and other entities that benefit from the institution, to contribute financially. And that’s why we say “no to the commercialization of the Carnival, yes to its support!” We don’t want to advertise a product and have it identified with our Carnival. We want to keep the truth of it, atofia.”


Creation of new thematic sections, such as “Carnival and Sports”

“We aim to expand the appeal of the institution in society, with new thematic sectionsinvolving more groups, agencies, communities of people. We want to multiply the events, let Patras celebrate continuouslyto reach out to other people. We don’t just want our actions to be successful, we want them to be based on participation and make people happy.”


Unstable weather with rain and strong storms today 9/20, the forecast until Tuesday

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#Patrino #Carnival



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