Government Attempts to Transform Traditional Agriculture into Modern

The government is committed to creating more attractive and efficient agriculture for the younger generation (Doc)

THE GOVERNMENT continues to strive to reform traditional agriculture towards more efficient modern agriculture. Minister of Agriculture Andi Amran Sulaiman said the transition of agriculture from traditional to modern will attract the interest of the younger generation, especially generation Z and millennials to farm.

“We are committed to creating more attractive and efficient agriculture for the younger generation,” said Amran as quoted on Friday (20/9).

Head of the Agricultural Extension and Human Resources Development Agency, Idha Widi Arsanti, emphasized the importance of technology in attracting the interest of the younger generation to pursue a career in the agricultural sector. “Working in the rice fields is often considered hot and dirty. We want to introduce modern agricultural tools such as tractors and combines that can make it easier for farmers,” explained Idha.

In this context, the Ministry of Agriculture launched the Independent Learning Independent Campus (MBKM) Program, which includes the Internship and Certified Independent Study (MSIB) programs. This program was attended by 1,105 students and involved 278 alumni from the Indonesian Agricultural Development Polytechnic and Agricultural Engineering Polytechnic. To date, more than 3,000 students have been involved in the MBKM Program.

The program works in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology to provide students with hands-on experience in various aspects of modern agriculture. One of the modules offered is Swamp Agribusiness, which teaches how to effectively utilize the potential of swamp land.

Other modules, such as Integrated Swamp Rice Development, provide insights into increasing rice productivity in swamps using the latest technological approaches. There is also a module on swamp management that focuses on sustainable techniques to maintain environmental sustainability.

Also read: Advancing Precision Agriculture, Minister of Agriculture SYL Invites to Encourage Startups and Millennial Farmers

The MBKM program also includes the Kementan Leadership Program, which trains students to lead innovation and technology-based agricultural projects. They are given the opportunity to design and implement real programs in the field.

Furthermore, the Agricultural Mechanization Technology module introduces students to various technologies that can increase efficiency and productivity. The Corporate-Based Farmer Empowerment Module aims to help farmers become more independent in managing agricultural businesses and gain access to markets and capital.

Acting Head of the Center for Agricultural Education, Inneke Kusumawaty, emphasized that the MBKM program provides an opportunity for students to be directly involved in agricultural management from upstream to downstream. “We hope that millennial students can manage land and agricultural technology in a modern way, so that the results are more efficient and profitable,” she said.

Students involved in MBKM will be deployed to 10 provinces, including South Papua, Central Kalimantan, and West Java. They will play a role in land management, technology application, and support the formation of local cooperatives to strengthen farmer institutions. This program is expected to increase productivity and farmers’ bargaining position in the market. (Z-8)

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