Saxon Switzerland: Tourist gets lost in the dark and has to call mountain rescue

Saxon Switzerland: Tourist gets lost in the dark and has to call mountain rescue

The man from North Rhine-Westphalia had followed the navigation app on his cell phone. A lot of things went wrong.

1 Min.

Symbol photo © Marko Förster

A man from Münster had seriously underestimated the paths and distances in the Elbe Sandstone Mountains. The 30-year-old hiked in Saxon Switzerland for the first time on Thursday. From the Nasser Grund car park, he walked over the Carolafelsen. He relied on the Google Maps navigation app. It led him wrongly onto the Obere Affensteinpromenade and the Häntzschelstiege.

The 30-year-old was stranded there – wearing only shorts and a shirt, without a backpack, warm clothing or a lamp. He was also said to have not had a drink with him. In the dark and with only ten percent battery left on his cell phone, he called for help at around 8:40 p.m.

As the safety briefing at the Saxony Mountain Rescue Service’s autumn air rescue training in the ERNA children’s and youth village near Papstdorf had just ended, three mountain rescuers abandoned their drinks and steaks. They climbed up the Häntzschelstiege and led the lost hiker safely into the valley by headlamp. This was a premiere for this season and also the first use of the freshly prepared descent via the Zahme Hölle. (mf)



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