New twist in the conflict between Kylian Mbappé and PSG!

PSG has appealed the decision made by the Professional Football League (LFP), which mandated that they pay 55 million euros in unpaid debts to Kylian Mbappé. The player left this summer for Real Madrid, which was confirmed by the Parisian club on Friday.

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Relations are tense between PSG and Mbappé: the Parisian club is reluctant to pay the 55 million owed to its former player and is awaiting a court ruling.

“In principle, PSG has appealed the opinion of the LFP commission, even though its impact is limited. PSG’s stance is much more than merely a legal argument,” the club stated, confirming a report from the newspaper Le Monde.

Mbappé had approached the LFP legal committee, which convened last week in the presence of both parties. The committee initially suggested mediation, but after the player’s refusal, instructed PSG to pay the 55 million euros within a week, by Friday evening at the latest.

The club filed the appeal on Thursday, according to a source connected to the case.

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The disagreement between the two parties arises from the terms of an agreement reached in mid-August 2023 between Mbappé and PSG management.

The star forward was sidelined from the team for refusing to extend his contract with PSG, which would have allowed the club to receive a transfer fee while Mbappé signed with Real Madrid for free at the end of the previous season.

In the agreement, the player consented to forfeit 55 million euros in bonuses if he left for free at the end of the season, which he proceeded to do.

However, the validity of this agreement, which the player himself publicly referred to last January, is being challenged by Mbappé’s camp. His representatives mention a “hidden agreement.”

Long Legal Process

Kylian Mbappé is seeking the payment of 55 million euros, which includes the final third of a signing bonus (36 million euros gross) that he was expected to receive in February, along with the last three months of salary stipulated in his contract (April, May, June), as well as an ethics bonus for those three months.

When contacted by AFP, the representatives of the former club striker did not respond immediately.

The commission stated, “This mediation process was entirely rejected by the player, leading the commission to conclude that a contractual relationship exists between the parties. This aspect is neither disputed nor contested – what is in question, and which will ultimately be adjudicated by an appropriate court, is whether the original contract was legally amended and fully honored by both the player and PSG until the player decided to abandon all his commitments by leaving the club,” according to PSG’s detailed press release.

Several avenues for appeal remain: they can appeal to the French Football Federation (FFF), which oversees the higher appeals committee, and subsequently approach an administrative tribunal, including mediation through the French National Olympic and Sports Committee (CNOSF), according to a professional source.

PSG Appeals LFP Decision: The Kylian Mbappé €55 Million Controversy

On Friday, Paris Saint-Germain (PSG) confirmed its appeal against the decision made by the Professional Football League (LFP), which mandated the club to pay €55 million in outstanding debts to star player Kylian Mbappé, recently departed for Real Madrid.

PSG appealing LFP decision

Things are heating up between PSG and Mbappé: the Parisian club does not want to pay the €55 million unpaid to its former player and is awaiting a court decision.

PSG stated, “In principle, PSG has appealed the opinion of the LFP commission, despite its limited effect. Indeed, PSG’s position is much more than a well-founded legal position,” referencing a report from Le Monde.

The Legal Backstory

Kylian Mbappé had contacted the LFP’s legal committee, which convened last week with both parties present. Initially, the committee recommended mediation, but faced with the player’s refusal, it subsequently ruled that PSG must pay the €55 million by the end of the workweek.

Reportedly, PSG filed an appeal on Thursday, as indicated by a close source involved in the dispute.

The Origins of the Conflict

The ongoing conflict between Kylian Mbappé and PSG can be traced back to an agreement set forth in mid-August 2023. At this time, Mbappé found himself sidelined from the team due to his refusal to extend his contract, an extension that would have allowed PSG to secure a transfer fee as he ultimately signed with Real Madrid for free at the end of the season.

During these negotiations, Mbappé agreed to forgo €55 million in bonuses contingent upon him leaving the club on free terms, which indeed materialized when he departed for Real Madrid. However, the validity of this agreement is fiercely disputed by Mbappé’s camp, which claims a “hidden agreement” was also in play.

Understanding the Financial Dispute

Kylian Mbappé is pursuing a total of €55 million, which breaks down into several components:

  • Last third of a signing bonus: €36 million gross.
  • Final three-month salary: April, May, June.
  • An ethics bonus for the aforementioned months.

Press Statements and Official Responses

In a statement explaining their position, PSG remarked:

“This mediation process having been totally refused by the player, the commission had no choice but to render an opinion according to which – very simply – a contractual relationship exists between the parties. This point is neither discussed nor contested – what is discussed, and which will ultimately be heard by an appropriate court, is that the original contract has been legally modified, and also fully respected, by the player and PSG – until the player decides to renege on all his commitments by leaving the club.”

Potential Outcomes and Next Steps

As the situation stands, PSG’s appeal opens the door for a long legal process. Several avenues exist for resolution:

  • Appeal to the French Football Federation (FFF).
  • Higher appeals committee review.
  • Possible adjudication from an administrative tribunal.
  • Conciliation with the French National Olympic and Sports Committee (CNOSF).

Implications for Both Parties

The legal conflict not only has financial ramifications but may also affect the reputations of both PSG and Kylian Mbappé. The ongoing saga poses questions about player contracts, management relations, and the broader implications for clubs navigating similar issues with departing players.

Case Studies: Past Player Departures

Looking beyond PSG and Mbappé, several high-profile cases have emerged over the years involving similar contractual disputes:

Player Club Transfer Fee Dispute Resolution
Cristiano Ronaldo Manchester United Contested Bonus Payments Settled out of court
Paul Pogba Juventus Unpaid Wages Legal Tribunal Ruling
Gareth Bale Real Madrid Contractual Obligations Negotiated Settlement

Final Thoughts on the Growing Legal Complexities in Football

As the legal proceedings unfold, all eyes will remain on PSG and Kylian Mbappé. The outcome of this legal battle could set significant precedents regarding player contracts and financial obligations, shaping the future of professional football.



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