Method of Registration for Corona Virus Vaccine

Method of Registration for Corona Virus Vaccine

In Saudi Arabia, the registration procedure for corona virus vaccination has been developed, the registration will be through Tawaklana app which has been launched. According to the Saudi website, the director of Saudi Vaccination Company, Dr. Mazen Hasnain, says that registration through Tawakalna app is required to administer the corona virus vaccine in the kingdom.

Dr. Mazen Hasnain, while giving an interview to a local TV, said that according to the schedule of the Ministry of Health, the vaccine will be given first to the dangerous patients of corona virus.

Regarding the supply of vaccines, Dr. Hasnain said that the vaccination procedure will be centralized for which the patients will be vaccinated in a phased manner after registering them on the Tokalna app.

The people who will be given the vaccine in the first phase has been determined by the Ministry of Health, initially the elderly and people suffering from dangerous diseases will be given the vaccine.

Vaccination will be started preferably from big cities as the procedure for corona virus testing was adopted by the Ministry of Health in the past.

In response to a question, Dr. Mazen said that the vaccine produced by Pfizer Bionic Company is only for people over 16 years of age, so initially this vaccine will be given to people 16 years of age and older. .

Dr. Hasnain added that the company will soon prepare the vaccine for children under 16 years of age.

He once again assured that all experiments on the vaccine have been thoroughly reviewed after which the said vaccine has been allowed to be imported into the kingdom.

Dr. Hasnain further said that with the arrival of the vaccine in the Kingdom, samples will be provided to the experts who will examine them in detail to ensure that what the vaccine reports say is correct. She was compatible with him.

#Method #Registration #Corona #Virus #Vaccine
2024-09-20 20:48:25



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