The children were written out one by one because of the teacher from Nyírmegyes who undressed the students as a punishment

Due to endangerment of minors, proceedings were initiated against the teacher who taught at the primary school in Nyír County and forced his students to undress as punishment, the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Police Headquarters announced to the

Based on the data revealed so far during the investigation, the teacher used a disciplinary method against the children in his class that was a crime. According to the well-founded suspicion, the public education worker who works as a teacher in the educational institution belonging to the Mátészalka school district endangered the emotional and moral development of the minors with his behavior.

The investigating authority interrogated the 44-year-old woman, who complained. During the procedure, the suspect can defend himself at large.

Recently, outraged parents from Nyírmegyes turned to it For ATV Newsfor which they claim one of the teachers

as a punishment, he calls the children to the blackboard and then undresses them.

There are students who, fearing embarrassment, already attend another institution. The method was revealed in the summer, the parents reported the case to the school management, but the teacher has been teaching there ever since.

The RTL News reported that a long time ago, a nine-year-old student at the school had to strip down to her underwear because she was running around the hall with her friends. He did not dare to tell what had happened at home, because he was ashamed and afraid. The parents complained to the principal, and in August an extraordinary parents’ meeting was held, at which the teacher concerned was also present. According to the recollection of one of the parents, he started banging on the table indignantly and denied what he was accused of, and demanded that the principal of the school be notified. According to RTL’s information, due to the scandal, six children have been expelled from the school in Nyírmegyes together with the girl involved.



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