A slight increase in temperatures and rain is expected on Saturday Weather forecast

The rain that fell the last two days (Monday and Tuesday) heralds the official opening of autumn. The line of rain, which mainly hit parts of the coastal plain and the Galilee, passed very quickly, therefore raining over a large area amounts of rain ranging from fractions of a millimeter to a single-digit amount of millimeters. The Gush Dan area stood out in this event when at various stations in Tel Aviv, Ramat Gan and Holon amounts of 5-10 mm fell within a few tens of minutes.

Although the amounts of rain are not unusual, the spread of the rain is relatively extensive for a September event and the timing is also relatively rare.

Rain in September, photo: Herzi Shapira

The forecast in detail:

today, wednesday, It will be partly cloudy to clear. In the morning there may be drizzles to light local rains along the coastal plain. The temperatures will be slightly lower than usual for the season, especially in the mountains and inland.

on Thursday It will be partly cloudy to clear. There will be a slight increase in temperatures, mainly in the mountains and inland.

Rain in Tel Aviv, yesterday, photo: Yehoshua Yosef

on friday It will be partly cloudy to clear. There will be another slight rise in temperatures and they will return to normal for the season.

on saturday, It will be partly cloudy to clear with no noticeable change in temperatures. There may be drizzles to light localized rain in the north and center of the country.

Flooding following the storm “Boris”, in Europe,

Storm “Boris” drowns Central and Eastern Europe

While the rain here falls in single-digit amounts, large areas in central and eastern Europe were flooded with triple-digit amounts of rain within five days, as part of the storm “Boris”, which is considered abnormal in its intensity, which usually returns once every fifty years.

In the focus areas in Austria, amounts of rain of 300-400 mm or more fell in the previous 5 days. The rain caused flooding in the streams, as well as flooding and damage mainly in Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, southern Poland and southeast Germany, but also in other countries further away from the focus The event like Romania.

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