5 foods and drinks that reduce the risk of dementia!

While age and genetics contribute significantly to whether someone will develop the disease, researchers from Queen’s University Belfast have found that diet can also play an important role in prevention.

They said flavonoids — compounds found primarily in deeply colored plants, fruits and vegetables — can have a range of health benefits, including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties.

It has also been linked to a reduced risk of chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, as well as improved cognitive function.

Early animal studies suggest that flavonoids may help prevent the buildup of beta-amyloid plaques, a key marker of Alzheimer’s disease, in the brain.

Foods and drinks rich in flavonoids include:

– Berries

– Leafy vegetables


– Red wine

– Dark chocolate

The study, published in JAMA Network Open, was led by Professor Aidan Cassidy, from the Institute for Global Food Security at Queen’s, who said: “The prevalence of dementia worldwide continues to increase rapidly. In this population-based peer-reviewed study, we analysed dietary data from more than 120,000 adults aged 40 to 70 from the UK Biobank. Our results show that consuming six additional portions of flavonoid-rich foods per day, particularly berries, tea and red wine, was associated with a 28% lower risk of dementia. The results were most pronounced in individuals with a high genetic risk and those with symptoms of depression.”

The greatest risk reduction was observed in participants who consumed at least two of the following daily: five cups of tea, a glass of red wine, and half a regular serving of berries, compared to those who consumed none of these.

“These findings provide a clear public health message because they suggest that a simple measure such as increasing daily intake of flavonoid-rich foods may reduce the risk of dementia, particularly in high-risk populations,” said the study’s first author, Dr Amy Jennings, from the School of Biological Sciences at Queen’s. “There is currently no effective treatment for the disease, so preventive interventions to improve health and quality of life, and reduce social and economic costs, should remain a key public health priority.”

Source: The Sun

#foods #drinks #reduce #risk #dementia
2024-09-20 16:04:14



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