118 without a doctor: last days of signature collection for the petition in Riccia – Il giornale del Molise

The signature collection in support of the petition for the reinstatement of the doctor in attendance at the 118 station in Riccia enters its final phase. In October, the petition and the signatures collected will be sent to the Region and Asrem. This was announced by the Committee formed in defense of the local 118 station in Fortore.

“A station – the Committee recalls – that currently has territorial jurisdiction also in the municipalities of Jelsi, Cercemaggiore, Gildone, Tufara and Gambatesa. In these municipalities, since June 1st, rescue operations are guaranteed only by the nurse, the driver and a volunteer; the doctor is called only for serious cases, thus extending rescue times with potential risks for human lives, especially in the case of time-dependent pathologies”.

The Committee is satisfied with the many signatures collected so far and announces that the adhesions to the petition will be collected again in the next two Sundays in Piazza Umberto Primo in Riccia. It is also possible to sign at the Town Hall.



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