Affari Tuoi, Tony the velino triumphs, the web explodes: “Wonderful”

The very funny Tony della Calabria plays in the episode of Thursday 19 September and takes home 50 thousand euros. De Martino greets a protagonist of the show: “Serious loss”.

Valentina DiNino


Roman, degree in Political Science, journalist by chance. I have written for daily newspapers, weeklies, websites and agencies, mainly about news and entertainment.

The moment we would have liked to see as late as possible has already arrived. In the Episode of Thursday 19 September Of Your Businessi the most exuberant of the packsters is called to play, the “dancer” Tony, a competitor from Calabria who plays with his sister Gina at his side. Stephen DeMartino announces the “sad” circumstance like this: “It’s a great loss, tonight the my merciful veilTony”.

Affari Tuoi, episode of September 19: Tony della Calabria plays

The contestant has in fact made his way into the hearts of the public for his improvised dances every time he opens a blue package. And in fact the reaction on social media to the announcement of the last episode with his participation, raises a disconsolate chorus of comments such as: “It’s too early, I wasn’t prepared”, “Nooo, how will we do without him?”, “I don’t know if I can let him go”.

At the gaming table Tony arrives announcing that he wants to get the maximum, that is 300 thousand euros. Unfortunately that package comes out already at the second throw. During the game, there is ample space for the host to have fun with the very nice competitor, single for 9 years and who, invited by Stefano De Martino, takes advantage of the opportunity to do an appeal to female viewers to find his other half: “Whoever wants me, choose me,” he says looking at the camera, “Because remember that it is the woman who chooses and it is up to the man to get on the right track.” Stefano De Martino, taken aback, asks: “But what does it mean? Have you ever seen someone get on the platform? On the train, they get on, if anything.”

At this point he calls the Doctor, who comments: “What a great challenge (with Tony ed.)”, but the host points out: “What a great challenge! He’s making a mess!“. In fact, in the first round the heaviest package and two other red packages go away immediately. The Doctor’s first offer is 21,000 euros, and the check ends up shredded. Two throws later the 200 thousand also fly away. The largest package in play, at this point, is the one worth 75,000 euros. The Doctor offers to change, but Tony and Gina keep their starting package, number 4. At the end of the next round of throws, between a compliment pleaser to the Friulian packager and an unscrupulous dance, an offer of 10 thousand euros arrives.

Tony says that he would have liked to buy a house for his parents with the 300 thousand euros that he dreamed of winning, but also of knowing how to be content, then courageously reiterates that he is there to play, and after having received his sister’s consent, he also shreds that check: “I want to start dancing!”. The following shots, interspersed with an anecdote about a mozzarella and caciocavallo based banquet offered by Giuseppe from Frosolone, another beloved packager (from Molise), are fine, and the situation is balanced: 3 blue packages against 3 red ones. The Doctor offers the change, and Tony says: “I feel like an Aspromonte wolf”, and therefore asks for the advice of the Study Wolf, who does a whole statistical reasoning to conclude that he recommends the change, while Tanath, obviously, thinks that inside package number 4 there is the maximum (as always): 75 thousand euros.

Tony accepts Lupo’s advice and especially that of his mother, Donatella, who advised him to take package number 6, then comes the epic gaffe: “I’m gambling on one of the regions that brought me luck, so I’ll call our Vannacci, Veneto”. And De Martino immediately corrects: “Iannacci!”. Amid everyone’s laughter, the package driver introduces himself: “I’m Damiano, known as Iannacci (for his resemblance to the singer, ed.)”, and the host: “Iannacci! Mamma mia Tony, what trouble you cause with that mouth”. And unfortunately, the laughter ends when the package containing 75,000 euros is opened. Tony doesn’t lose heart and says: “Let’s aim for 50,000, come on!”. The Doctor’s last offer is 10,000 euros. Crushed. When only 50,000 euros remain against two blue packages, it’s Gina’s turn to choose and finds the 200 euros. So the 50,000 euros and the 500 euros remain in play, Tony is now sweating while the entire audience, led by the host, cheers him. The Doctor’s last phone call offers Tony the chance to change packages but he keeps his mother’s package.

Social media celebrates with Tony: “Wonderful moment”

I have never had money or fearso I’m here to move forward. If I want to have more it’s only because I would like to give more”. De Martino calls him and his sister to the center of the studio to open their package together, telling them: “Regardless of how much is in this package, I wish you all the best in life because you are a good-hearted man who truly deserves a lot”. In the package there are 50 thousand euros and the studio explodes with joy together with Tony and Gina, all the packagers surround them to hug them. A great celebration also shared by the social public with comments like: “This wonderful moment, we will miss you so much Tony!”, “But the hug from all the packagers, I’m getting emotional!”, and again: “I’ve never been so emotional for Affari Tuoi guys”…”Happier than if I had won!

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