Own sticker album for football mini-amateurs | BR24

Eight boys and girls pose in front of a soccer goal. They have their arms folded and stand proudly, like real soccer stars. Seven-year-old Elias is standing in the middle, grinning and clenching his fists. And this very photo is the cover of the Ötting / Inn youth soccer club (JFG) scrapbook.

Bringing three core clubs together in one project

The idea was born two and a half years ago. Organizer and chairman of the JFG Ötting / Inn Michael “Mitch” Rasp was looking for a way to bring the children together so that they could get to know each other and network. He himself is the father of two sons who play soccer in the club.

Another goal was to unite the three main clubs TV Altötting, TSV Kastl and TSV Neuötting in one project. “And then I called the three youth leaders and asked: ‘What do you think? Would you be interested?’ They all agreed unreservedly!”, recalls Rasp.

“I’ve been dreaming about it my whole life”

A total of 420 children shoot, pose and train – for their own scrapbook. A unique project in the southeast Bavarian region. There was a photo for all kids aged four to 19.

80 coaches and referees will also receive their stickers. One of them is Christopher Zotter. He coaches the G-youth team of TSV Kastl. He speaks of a childhood dream that is now coming true: “I not only experience my children, but also myself in Panini style. What used to be a dream when I collected players like Giovane Elber and Roy Makaay is now reality – and together with my children!” Zotter tells BR.

And the album is impressive: on the cover, eight boys and girls pose in proud postures in front of a soccer goal – just like real soccer stars. Seven-year-old Elias Rasp clenches his fists. What’s the best thing about the cover? “Me!” Elias tells BR. “I think my pose is so cool,” he says and raises his fists in the air again.

His father, Michael Rasp, remembers a very emotional moment: “A little six-year-old boy came to me and said with tears in his eyes: ‘Mitch! I’ve dreamed my whole life of having a sticker like that!'”

Sales continue – Exchanges to complete the collection

An album costs five euros and a sticker pack with five stickers costs one euro. Part of the proceeds goes back to the clubs. The big kick-off day of the sale was a great success: 305 of the 350 albums were sold and 6,729 of the 15,000 stickers were sold. Stickers and albums were reordered the very next day.

Even days after the big kick-off, the scrapbook is still a topic of conversation for many children and parents, such as mom Anita Uretschläger from Altötting. Her child is on the stickers herself. “Not a day goes by when we don’t talk about who we’ve already drawn and who’s still missing,” Uretschläger told BR. “It’s just nice to see how everyone supports each other in getting the booklet full.”

Now there are three big swap meets. The clubs want the children to come together again and swap stickers with each other – so that everyone can fill their albums.



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