Brzeg Dolny. A nine-meter wave is coming. “Full mobilization”

Brzeg Dolny is preparing for the peak of the flood wave. The water in the Odra may reach 938 cm. The mayor appealed for help in strengthening the flood embankments. Hundreds of people responded. There is full mobilization – emphasized Mayor Ireneusz Fura.

On the night from Wednesday to Thursday, the peak of the Odra wave reached Wrocław. The river level is higher than forecasted by IMGW and is 623 centimeters.

The situation is also difficult in The shore Lowerlocated northwest of the capital of the Lower Silesian Voivodeship.

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Water on the Odra in Brzeg Dolny on Thursday at 6 p.m. it reached 895 cm. The peak of the wave will reach there in the evening. The water level on Friday may reach even 938 cm. The warning level on this section is 510 cm, and the alarm level is 630 cm.

Brzeg Dolny. Residents strengthen the embankments

Mayor Ireneus Fura appealed for urgent help with securing flood embankments.

– We have been working since Sunday. On Sunday we set up a mobile barrier at the city office and work started on Monday – he said in an interview with Polsat News.

VIDEO: Brzeg Dolny is preparing for the big flood

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The mayor emphasized that hundreds of residents responded to the appeal. – They have been strengthening the embankments from Monday to today, on several sections. There is full mobilization – he emphasized.

Flood. Residents of Lower Brzeg about the great water

– We have already been through this, this is the third such situation – a resident of Brzeg Dolny told Polsat News.

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– When we were flooded in 1997, there was no such organization – added another resident. As he recalled, a dam on the river was broken at night, everyone had to escape quickly.

– In 2010 it was a bit better. Now we can see that the water will be bigger – he said.

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