ND: Blue “guerrilla” for red loans, Salmas

ND: Blue “guerrilla” for red loans, Salmas

An internal issue seems to arise in the ranks of the ND, as 11 MPsof her – including many former ministers – submitted a question to the Minister of Finance K. Hatzidakis on the issue of “red loans”pointing out that “narrow vulnerability criteria leave the majority of borrowers without substantial protection”.

The matter is the subject of discussion in the ranks of the government faction, as several of the signatories have criticized it in the past, and all this at a time when a “Mitsotaki, Karamanli and Samaritan” front is being formed.

The question is co-signed by: Fotini Arabatzi, George Vlachos, Vassilis Yogiakas, Thanasis Davakis, Nikitas Kaklamanis, Anna Karamanli, Theodoros Karaoglou, Christos Boukoros, Evripidis Stylianidis, Maximos Charakopoulos and Marios Salmas.

The deputy of Etoloakarnania – pr. if. Minister Marios Salmas, was asked by “Peloponnisos” for the reasons he participated in this parliamentary initiative and if all this translates, in essence, into an exercise of intra-party opposition to the Government, with him being clear: “Yes, it is a severe criticism of Mr. Hatzidakis, it is not , however, opposition. It is a joint decision, taken by a group that has – if one adds up – 200 years of parliamentary experience, while most of us also have government tenure. We agreed with shared concerns, as the issue tends to the impasse.

Red loans concern more than 2 million of our citizens, i.e. half of Greece. There are now complaints that the Bank is coming to take houses and not paying taxes. These have nothing to do with Social Liberalism, which we advocate. Of course, not all cases are the same. There are those who try to settle pending issues and some who are irresponsible. But in the first case, we are clearly talking about crows coming to take your house!

Mr. Salmas also recalled his earlier exhortations to Prime Minister K. Mitsotakis… “to see the many and not the few”, while “he would consider himself co-responsible if he voted for things that were not dictated by his conscience and above all by the world , who has been electing him for so many years”.

ND: Blue “guerrilla” for red loans, Salmas

The Member of Parliament of Attica, Giorgos Vlachos, commented to “P”: “The interventions to date, which were evangelized as offering protection to borrowers and guarantors, individuals and small and medium-sized entrepreneurs, have proven to be ineffective.

Debtors are faced with the risk of having their home auctioned off. Of the 90 billion, the debts under management to the companies correspond to 2,271,548 and only 7.2 billion were settled out of court. Therefore, no substantial solution to the serious problem of “red loans” has been given. On the contrary, funds and companies are speculating, reaping exorbitant profits, even tax-free.

In 2023, the profits of the three big companies amounted to about €211 million and had a return on capital of 28.5%, higher than the Banks, but also than any other sector of activity. In closing, Mr. Vlachos pointed out the need to design, immediately, a debt settlement tool with the sole aim of the short and substantial protection of borrowers and guarantors, from confiscations and auctions of their homes and property.


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